meditation on the bike

meditation on the bike

In the absence of time, meditation can be done in unusual situations. But it can work perfectly and still bring even more interesting experiences than meditation done in a quiet place with no stimuli around. One such situation is when riding a bicycle.

There are three possible ways to meditate while cycling, and even more that you can come up with. One way is by contemplation, another is by visualization, and another is by discovery. Let's talk about how you can do each of them.


Contemplating is an exercise in observing, getting in touch with what is in your field of vision. It is a meditation aimed at increasing your perception of the world and expanding your awareness. It's also a great way to improve your focus and bring your mind to the here and now, the present. When you're on your bike, instead of pedaling automatically, pay attention to every detail, but try not to interfere with anything. Leave the mind in a contemplative state. Notice each landscape that appears in front of you. Pay attention to your breathing and notice whether or not it is in the same rhythm as your bike. Observe the people, the cars, the trees, the buildings around you. Use this moment to exercise your mind to focus on the present moment. Contemplate! And you'll see how worthwhile it is to take your mind off automatic mode.


Another interesting way to meditate while riding a bicycle is to visualize some goal you have for your life. For example, let's say you are looking for a new job to advance your professional career. When riding a bike, imagine your destination as your goal. You can imagine a symbol or image that represents that work rather than where you are going. Visualize that each pedal stroke is a movement that takes you closer and closer to your goal. Every lighthouse or obstacle you turn away, imagine it's you overcoming a difficulty that separates you from what you want. This is an exercise that can be done with any goal you have. The secret is to use imagination and visualization to train your mind to get used to reaching the proposed goal, no matter how many obstacles there are in the way.


The last proposed way to meditate while riding a bike is using discovery. You'll need a little more free time for this one. This meditation consists of you going out on a bike without a defined path and destination. You will walk aimlessly. In addition to being a practical exercise for you to improve your perception and bring your mind to the now, it is mainly an exercise to make your mind see the world like a child's mind.

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When cycling, let yourself go and notice everything new that comes your way. Observe the people, the landscape, the movement of everything around. Allow yourself to discover the world through the eyes of a child. This type of mindset when exercised is great for developing your creativity and spontaneity. We only recommend that, to avoid accidents, you avoid going out at night and in neighborhoods that are not very safe. Other than that, enjoy the ride and let your mind flow freely.

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