How to differentiate Ego from Consciousness?

For the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, human consciousness is divided into three levels. Conscious, Preconscious and Unconscious. The first level represents perception; the second the latent material, capable of emerging consciousness; and the third is the deeper content of the mind, difficult to access. The levels of consciousness are separated between three entities that form the human mind, o Id, o Ego eo Superego.

How to differentiate Ego from Consciousness?

O Ego is a part of the human personality that creates a kind of social mask, so that each individual can adapt to the environment in which it is inserted. The other parts make up the personality traits. The Ego has a harmonizing function, it guides us to choose wisely, assuming the role of mediator between the desires of the Id and the reality of the Superego. This part in question remains between the other two, alternating primitive needs with moral and ethical impulses.

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Meanwhile, consciousness it is the normal state of perception. All levels within this category mediate and represent aspects of being aware, so the human being is able to detect and repair every action. Consciousness is the feeling and knowledge that allows the human being to experience, experience and understand aspects of the world, it is the quality of the mind that encompasses subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience and sapience. To differentiate the Ego from the Consciousness, it is simple, just understand that the Ego is actually a level that makes up the aspects and characteristics of the conscious, as a way of acting on our impulses and actions. In this way, the Ego is within the Consciousness.

How to differentiate Ego from Consciousness?

In addition to the meanings within psychology, Ego is also an expression to refer to a person's defects and bad side, a false identity of greatness that defines an individual. This is considered a more popular version of the word ego or a way of defining an egocentric being. In the same context, conscience is popularly said as a way of showing the clarity and lucidity of an individual, the expression “so-and-so is aware of his actions” is a good example to define this allusion to the word conscience.

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