Your cat's spiritual mission in your life

Do you have a pet cat? Most people who chose to love this pet can't talk about anything else. That's because cats are cuddly, friendly, independent and playful in some cases.

But did you know that these felines also play an important role in your spiritual journey? Because they are very sensitive, they can connect you to what lies beyond our earthly existence.

If this topic is new to you, the content we've prepared will help you delve deeper into your cat's spiritual mission in your life. Be surprised by the different benefits they bring to you!

What is a spiritual mission?

Before a living being arrives in the terrestrial world, it begins to form itself on a higher plane, as a spirit. In this other period of existence, a mission is defined that such a spirit must fulfill when it arrives on Earth, incarnated in a body.

Your cat's spiritual mission in your life
Devonyu from Getty Images/Canva

As soon as the mission is accomplished by the incarnate spirit, he will be able to disincarnate, returning to the superior plane of existence. Therefore, all people come into the world with a purpose, which they will discover according to the development of their own spirituality. But what do cats have to do with it?

How does she relate to our cats?

Cats, like dogs, are great companions for humans. They love their owners and show this feeling in discreet, often misunderstood, ways.

That's why it's common for people to think that cats are cruel or detached. Nonetheless the truth is that they are very sensitive. That is, they can recognize the vibrations that people emit, whether positive or negative.

Therefore a cat can take time to get used to an individual, because it's still reading who he really is. Even kittens are uncomfortable with visits precisely because they surround their owners before they know what their intentions are.

In addition to this recognition of negative energies, and the consequent protection of the tutors, cats perform a spiritual cleaning where they live. They absorb the accumulated negativity in an environment or in a person and then recover, returning positivity to the place.

Therefore, cats are a filter and a protection for the humans who live with them. With the help of these little animals, a person will have more motivation, more energy and more determination to fulfill the mission they received before they were born.

How to feed your cat's spiritual evolution?

Now that you know that your cat is a very sensitive and powerful being, it is important to feed this pet's spiritual evolution. First of all, it is essential that you recognize the signals he sends you.

When a cat wants to be around you all the time, lying on your lap or circling a specific room, it shows that you need an energetic cleanse. The pet itself wants to do this for you, as it acts as a sponge for negativity, but it's important not to overwhelm it.

Your cat's spiritual mission in your life
debibishop de Getty Images Signature / Canva

If you notice that your kitten is sleeping a lot, it means that he absorbed more bad energy than he could process. In this case, it is important that you do an energy cleaning in your home and in your body, to recover the well-being of the kitty and raise the vibrations that surround you.

In another situation, if your cat isn't doing well with a visit, do not force contact. From the animal's point of view, this person is likely to lack beneficial energy, so he wants to avoid it. So the best thing you can do is leave him alone in his own corner.

In this process of recognizing the signals that your cat transmits and taking action to preserve his quality of life, you will be feeding your friend's spiritual evolution. So, keep working so that the vibrations of your home and your mind are always pleasant, avoiding fights, resentments and sadness.

What are the benefits of nurturing your cat's spiritual mission?

Feeding your cat's spiritual mission is something that will do not only good for your cat, but also for you. The following are the benefits that this process offers:

1) Energetic and spiritual protection

As we saw earlier, cats recognize negative energies in a person and in a space. Readily, they use their own bodies to neutralize them. The more you let him act and recognize that he knows what he is doing, the greater your energetic and spiritual protection will be.

2) Care

Your cat's spiritual mission in your life
Konstantin Aksenov / Canva

O Has your cat ever laid on a specific part of your body? for a while? If he did, he was probably trying to remove the energy imbalance from some organ in his body, which could result in health problems. So if he wants to get close to you, even if he stays in an unconventional region, let him heal you.

3) Removal of bad energies

In addition to being a filter of negativity, cats prevent bad vibes from lingering in an environment. During the night, for example, they stay awake because they are working on the energetic cleaning of the home, preventing malicious spirits from approaching.

4) Ability to read us from the inside

Because they are very sensitive animals, cats can read a person easily, even if they don't know him. For this reason, they may attack a visitor “for no reason” if they feel they are a threat. On the other hand, if a cat becomes friends with someone in a short time, he will have a lot of love to offer that person.

5) Astral guide

The cat assumes the role of astral guide when it shows us, through signs, which people emanate good energies and which ones need attention. It is fundamental notice how your cat behaves around someone or in an environment, to understand the vibrations that are in the place.

Cats spiritual mission according to their colors

Your cat's action in your life is even more directed, according to the coat it has. Find out what the spiritual missions of cats of each color are!

1) white cats

Your cat's spiritual mission in your life
Emily Hopper by Pexels / Canva

A cat's white fur evokes the energy of the Moon, which is feminine and focused on preserving the home. That's why white kittens are perfect for maintaining the energy balance of the house, healing the residents and promoting tranquility.

2) Gray cats

Your cat's spiritual mission in your life
Benita5 from pixabay / Canva

The gray color is synonymous with stability. Therefore, cats with fur of this color strengthen the bonds between people, stimulating affection, affection and sensitivity among the residents of the house.

3) orange cats

Your cat's spiritual mission in your life
bwp2e152007 from pixabay / Canva

Orange cats relate to the energy of the Sun. Therefore, they inspire joy, creativity, energy and prosperity. Any home lucky enough to have an orange cat will be filled with good energy.

4) Black cats

Your cat's spiritual mission in your life
Luizagawlinska0 de pixabay / Canva

Protection and neutralization of negative energies are the two main abilities of black cats. Even though many think that they are a sign of bad luck, the truth is that they guarantee the safety and joy of their owners like no other.

5) Two-tone cats

Your cat's spiritual mission in your life
LoveSilhouette de Getty Images / Canva

Bicolor and tricolor cats focus the energies of the colors they present. So a black and white cat, for example, will bring balance, tranquility and protection to the home.

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From all the information presented, you already know a little more about your cat's spiritual role in your life. Keep loving this pet with all your heart, recognizing that it will help you to be a better person every day. Connect with your spirituality!

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