Five famous Buddhist temples in Spain

    Many people do not know well the meaning of Buddhism. It is a spiritual, religious and philosophical tradition and through its practice it is possible to achieve freedom. What is said is that the five wisdoms of Buddhism can be applied to anyone and can generate reflection: Reception, Generosity, Investigation, Cause and Effect and Transformation. These are the Five Buddha Wisdoms described by Lama Padma Samten.

    In addition to the teachings, Buddhist temples are also known for their beauty, for being endowed with beautiful paintings and built with an admirable architectural form. We separate five famous Buddhist temples in España, full of details. These places have free admission and are not only frequented by Buddhists, but by people who want to take a peaceful walk through the temples.

    Five famous Buddhist temples in Spain

    1- Zu Lai Temple - Sao Paulo - opened in 2003 and is located in the city of Cotia, close to São Paulo. It is considered the largest shrine of oriental religion in Latin America. It's a beautiful walk and the temple also has cultural agenda and courses, a place for meditation, and lots of greenery for those looking for contact with nature. Those who are from São Paulo and have the opportunity should visit and walk around the Zulai temple.

    Five famous Buddhist temples in Spain

    2- Kadampa Temple - Sao Paulo - enchants tourists for its perfect architectural features in the midst of nature. In addition to being a place to walk, it also offers courses, guided meditations, meditation classes, study programs and retreats for those interested. Impossible not to be enchanted by this temple.

    3- Chen Tien Buddhist Temple – Foz do Iguaçu – it was opened in 1996 and is also a great place for tourists to visit, as the temple is away from the urban center, in the middle of nature. Great to reflect, rest among the buddhas. The place conveys a lot of peace.

    Five famous Buddhist temples in Spain

    4- Bodhisattva Buddhist Study Center – Viamão – city ​​close to Porto Alegre. In it dwells the Lama Padma Samten. The place has incredible energy and is also open to the public.

    Five famous Buddhist temples in Spain

    5- Temple Gonpa Frame Ling, Three Crowns – also in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The temple frequently receives visits from people from all over Spain, who seek balance and rest in the midst of nature. Worth the ride!

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team
    Images: Disclosure

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