You have to face the dragons before reaching the princess

The book “Ramayana”, like the “Mahabarata”, is one of the two greatest tales of India. In this epic story, the journey of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, is told, whose wife, Sita, is abducted by the demon, King of Lanka, Ravana. According to the Hindu people, it is a true story, steeped in various teachings of the Hindu gods.

In this story, Rama would be the 7th incarnation of the god Vishnu, one before Krishna. He would be a prince of North India. Ravana descends to Earth and begins to torment humanity. Then Vishnu comes to bring maintenance and introduces himself with the avatar Rama and his three brothers. They come as sons of Dasharata, in the Kingdom of Ayodhya. The children grow in harmony, until one day, as teenagers, they are called on a mission.

A master, who lives in the forest, is tormented by demons and asks the king for help. So he sends Rama and Lakshamana to accompany the master. The two fight demons and receive various teachings from the masters, as well as celestial weapons. On the way home, they find another kingdom, in which there was a competition to win “the hand” of a beautiful princess.

Sita would marry whoever bent Shiva's bow. But no one could do that until the arrival of Rama. Its beauty and grandeur drew attention. He does it with great ease. The two marry and return to Ayodhya. Arriving there, the king welcomes them and appoints Rama as co-ruler and future king. The people of Ayodhya are extremely happy, because Rama was a person full of virtues.

You have to face the dragons before reaching the princess
Cascoly / Canva

However, the mother of one of his brothers is jealous and wants her son, Bharata, to be the king, and demands a promise from the king. There were two requests, that his son be the king and Rama stay 14 years in exile. Rama accepts what has been determined, for he was dharma itself. He accepted the designs that life provided. Lakshamana and Sita go with him. There they remain, until they are informed of the king's death. Bharata communicates and says that Rama is the king, but he says that he will follow dharma, which his father had commanded. They agree that when the exile is over he will be king.

In the forest, they live as if it were paradise, until one day Princess Supanarka of Lanka, sister of Ravana, sees Rama, and is enchanted by him. Rama rejects her, and she becomes filled with hatred and communicates it to her sister, Ravana. She tells him about Sita and Ravana goes after her to kidnap her. Ravana, with the help of other demons, manages to kidnap Sita, and they outsmart the brothers.

They decide to rescue Sita and head south. Then a vulture informs them of the direction. They arrive in Varana, ape kingdom, led by Sugriva, and meet Hanumah, a giant ape who can fly. They help the ape kingdom in a war and then go to rescue Sita. Sugriva wins the war, and they are free to seek Rama's beloved.

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Hanumah goes to the island of Sri Lanka to bring Sita back, however she says that she will only return with Rama and that they should save several slaves who are on the island. So they make a stone bridge from southern India to Lanka (which would even be part of ancient Lemuria). They finish the bridge and reach Lanka. The war begins and Ravana's demons succumb one by one.

Until the last moment arrives. Rama faces Ravana. He was a demon and had ten heads. Rama manages to take them down one by one and wins the battle and saves his beloved. This is our life, we have to overcome several “demons” daily. Rama had the wisdom, patience and resilience to find his love and defeat the enemy. Furthermore, he accepted his life's paths because he is righteousness itself, whether in abundance or in a simple life, because he trusted in dharma. May Rama be an example to all of us, regardless of our path.

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