Where there is life, there is prosperity.

    If we stop to take a good look at nature, we can notice an endless abundance. I really like to use nature as a reference, because it is extremely rich in teachings. The basis of literally everything we need comes from her, whether it's food, fresh air, energy, comfort, affection, respect, and I could still go on here citing a wide list of virtues she provides us.

    The term “mother nature” was very assertive to designate this natural power that gives us life on a daily basis, because nature is really a mother, who comforts, cares and nourishes. If we analyze, deeply and sensitively, the movements that take place in a forest, we can see that everything we experience in our lives are similar movements, but in different environments.

    Where there is life, there is prosperity.

    The ant takes leaves to the nest, reserving it for times of scarcity; birds fly in search of food for their young; trees feed on rainwater to keep their survival and their sap running through their entire system and thus produce fruit for birds or other animals and insects… with your need. In no way does production stop happening, unless one of these beings no longer have life.

    Does this cycle make sense to you? Does it have any resemblance to your way of life? To work is to generate a gift, it is to show the world what you know how to do and to use this action for the benefit of someone who needs this service. Like a chain, the person who seeks you also has a gift, which serves someone else, and so on. One generating benefit to the other as in nature, where there is a lot of abundance and prosperity, because where there is life, there is essence, there is movement, there is energy, and there is need.

    If you think you are at a non-prosperous moment in your life, stop, analyze and see if you are not paying attention to your gift, what you can use to help someone else. You have it for sure, we all have it! And then, watch for a day the activities of a forest or a garden, and see how there is prosperity, and how everything is full of life. See how all beings in this forest are nourished, each in their own way, each using their gift, without needing to and with a lot of balance in this system. I have no doubt that your notions of prosperity and abundance will change quickly, and towards a much more positive and nourishing outlook.

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