The representation of children in Spiritism

As the Doctrine is based on the precepts of Jesus, let's start with the Gospel of Christ where he says:

Let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who become like them.

The representation of children in Spiritism

How to understand this lesson? Would the child be pure to the point of receiving divine glory?

The child here is only represented as childhood, where the reincarnating Spirit is contained in a delicate and gentle body dependent on its parents for its sustenance and physical and moral development.

In this period, the parents, through love and care for the little being, help the evolution of this Spirit, which, thanks to the Father, does not remember the past and seeks affection as a form of food for its Self.

It is at this stage that we must correct the bad tendencies brought in the unconscious of these little ones, and thus truly help them on their new journey. It is not enough just food, gifts, good schools, but true love is necessary. The one who educates, the one who often says “no” preferring that the child cries today so that their parents don't cry tomorrow.

The representation of children in Spiritism

Therefore, friends, children are nothing less than Spirits in evolution, often even older than their own parents, sometimes wiser, sometimes more ignorant, in short, all on the path of progress.

We are beings to organize ourselves into a better life. Learn from each other and in the future we will be asked what we did to improve those entrusted to us as children.

We must have a clear conscience that we did our best until they became adults and made their own choices.

When Jesus says that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who resemble each other, he refers to the sweetness, humility and fragility that at this stage they present precisely to conquer the affection of their parents, where they may often have been great enemies in the past.

Without a doubt love will always be the best medicine.
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