The biggest flaws of an oral presentation

Getting on stage and being the center of attention for many people is no easy task. Usually due to nervousness, lack of experience or lack of knowledge of efficient techniques, many end up making bad presentations.

When you make a presentation, be very careful not to make the mistakes that we will now describe:

The biggest flaws of an oral presentation

Failure 1 – Start by apologizing or regretting

It is common to hear from someone who is giving a lecture or a class the following sentence: “First I wanted to apologize…”. This is a big mistake, for a great speaker should never start, or end, his speech with negative things.

As much as you're late or your voice is a little hoarse or you haven't prepared slides, you don't need to highlight this. Many may not have noticed these or any other flaws, and when you apologize you are putting a spotlight on that problem.

Failure 2 – Escaping from the main theme

Many who have speech skills end up making mistakes because they don't focus on what they should say. They end up talking about something and when they see it they are talking about something totally different, which has nothing to do with the proposed subject.

This “confusion” leaves the audience unfocused and as a result your presentation may not generate as much value for people.

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Failure 3 – Reading slides

This is one of the basic principles of anyone who is going to make a presentation. Reading a slide is one of the worst possible attitudes, as it shows a total lack of preparation and knowledge. Also, it ends up making your speech boring and tedious.

Therefore, you must have total mastery of your presentation and use the slides as a visual stimulus for the audience, and not as something you will read because you don't know what to say.

Ideally, you have a simple script in your hands, in case you haven't trained your presentation, just to remember what the next topic to be talked about is.

The biggest flaws of an oral presentation

Failure 4 – Not respecting time

It doesn't matter if your presentation is exciting the audience or not, you must stick to the agreed time. This will build credibility and won't tire your audience.

It's important that you deliver your presentation at a smooth, even pace. Speakers or speakers who need to "run" at the end to end their presentations end up giving an image of lack of preparation and that's not a good thing.

Failure 5 – Speaking language vices

You should speak as attractively as possible and this is done by avoiding language vices. Good communicators do not speak superfluous or repeat expressions.

It's very irritating to listen to people who constantly say expressions like “right?”, “do you understand?”, “like”. Or even, to remember what they are going to say, they keep saying “éééééé” or “ãããã”.

In addition to bothering the audience, the repetition of these expressions causes the audience to lose focus of the content and focus on these repetitions.

Flaw 6 – Exaggerating the mood

A funny comment can be a good way to “break up” the mood of a presentation. But you shouldn't overdo it and tell jokes all the time. This can hurt your credibility.

Humor is undoubtedly a great option to grab the audience's attention, but only if used sparingly.

These are some of the main mistakes made by speakers. Have you ever made any of these mistakes? Leave your answer here in the comments... and until the next post!

MASTER ORORATORY. Practice! Communicate!

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