Spanish startup uses music to treat Alzheimer's patients

A small Spanish company that uses music as a way to improve the quality of life of Alzheimer's patients in the ICU is one of the winners of the VII edition of the European University's Young Social Entrepreneurs Award.

Three brothers: Pepe, Maria and Maria del Mar Olmedo and more Noemi Álvarez are the creators of this project, which is still in its initial phase, but they hope to formalize it very soon.

The creators say: “We seek to improve the condition of patients by promoting, raising awareness and extending these practices to pharmacological treatment. We use for therapeutic purposes, songs that have accompanied the lives of these patients”. According to Pepe Olmedo, a psychologist and one of the creators of the project, this is the main objective of the “Music for Awakening” Project, to improve the quality of life of patients with Alzheimer's and other dementias, as well as their families, caregivers and professionals who care for them. attend.

Now, what are the effects of music on patients? In general, positive results are observed with regard to agitation and anxiety, in the improvement of quality of life, in mood, in memories, in the physical and physiological state, in the ability to socialize. It is also very important to note that this general state of improvement is also reflected in relationships with family members and caregivers.

When patients are exposed to music, coordinated movements, intense emotions, memories of a lifetime are awakened, bringing back the feeling of autonomy. This is very important because it makes them feel like the protagonists of their own lives. Although their lives already have a difficult and defined path, this feeling can make this path less painful, more loving.

In addition, this complementary therapy offers an interesting alternative to pharmacological treatments, as it has low costs, does not offer side effects and values ​​the human character and the patient's quality of life.

How it works?

The choice of songs used with each patient took place after the presentation of the Project to family members and a subsequent interview to learn about the songs that accompanied the patient during his life.

Courses and workshops were also offered to train professionals, enabling them to use this technique as a realistic alternative treatment to existing techniques.

Why was the project created?

Spanish startup uses music to treat Alzheimer's patientsObserving the treatment given to patients with dementia (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.), especially those in more advanced stages, it was noted that there was a need to change something.

On the one hand, they found professionals, caregivers and family members overburdened and often without training or resources to deal with such a complex and complicated situation. On the other hand, patients who are poorly attended and, in many cases, treated with an excessive load of drugs, which could have more benefits if other, non-pharmacological therapies were used for more advanced stages of the disease, such as the use of “autobiographical” music. (the one that accompanies patients throughout their lives).

Pepe Olmedo says: “Technique unites two passions in my life: psychology and music. Working with it and generating a new vision on this issue filled me with joy and motivation. A way to do my job in the best possible way.”

And when did the project come about?

The project was started in early 2013 with the aim of looking for alternatives for the care of patients with behavioral disorders (anxiety, agitation, nervousness, aggression and other issues associated with dementia).

The inspiration came from the knowledge of the video of Henry (an Alzheimer's patient), inserted in the American documentary called “Alive Inside”, where they worked with “autobiographical” music, as Pepe and his team do.

After different bibliographic searches within the scientific literature, the project began to be carried out at the Centro de Mayores CĂĄxar de la Vega de CĂĄjar (in Granada, Spain) benefiting 30 patients and their families and also providing training for the professionals who care for them.

Currently, the group has managed to sensitize millions of people around the world through its videos (Spain, Mexico, Argentina, España, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela, USA, Canada, Peru, Puerto Rico, etc.) many people. They have more than 15 thousand followers and the intention is to provide training so that the project can be extended and implemented in different countries, and become a common and coherent thing.

Because it is innovative, low-cost and not an invasive treatment, “Music to wake up” has received several awards, demonstrating that there are many complementary ways to the traditional methods of treating these diseases and, even so, obtaining results capable of overcoming clinical expectations.

What are the differences from other similar proposals, that is, from other complementary treatments?

In general, music is used in the effective treatment of dementia through music therapy and the figure of a music therapist, but with the use of different tools. In the “Music for Awakening” project there are different aspects:

1. Headphones are used that reproduce the music, without the need for other musical instruments.
2. The participation of the music therapist is not mandatory
3. Music selection is obtained from each person's favorite songs.

This makes it possible for patients to obtain the benefits and different positive effects of music that can be played anywhere, quickly, comfortably, simply, economically. Its effects are within everyone's reach and extend to patients with moderate to advanced degrees of dementia and diverse resource levels.

The startup provides consultancy and training to professionals, caregivers and family members, offering information about dementia and the correct ways to deal with different disorders. The goal is to raise awareness and spread the use of music as a tool of love on this path. Training is carried out online through social networks, information portals or in person at Senior Citizens Centres, Academies, Congresses, Lectures, etc.

They seek to guide a truly interdisciplinary work where specific and flexible techniques are developed for genuine care of these patients. Attention is focused on the individual and specific care of each person, understanding and welcoming their life story as much as their vital soundtrack.

The initiative aims to motivate caregivers, professionals and family members through the prism of emotion, using theoretical and practical evidence that emotions are alive in these patients, even in the most advanced cases. For this, professionals, family members and caregivers are instrumented with emotional management strategies. The startup shares a work philosophy based on essential pillars to improve the patient's condition: love, acceptance, validation, patience, active listening, mindfulness, reminiscences, flexibility, cognitive stimulation, creativity, a sense of humor and routine.

In which cities do you operate?

The project currently has a center in Granada, Spain and another center is being implemented in Córdoba. Soon they will also be in Malaga, Sevilla, Jaén, Madrid, Aragón y Tenerife in Spain. They are also working on the possibility of bringing the project to São Paulo.

Project's last moves

They are associating with Senior Citizens Centers and different companies in the sector, thus taking the project simultaneously to different locations, offering adequate training and segment of activities.

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