Learning to give and receive!

We are conditioned to give, to give everything. However, we can only give what we have, and this statement is for everything and for all situations.

In proportion to love is equal.

One person loves and gives, the other loves, accepts and receives.

And if the other person can receive what you are giving, yes, you can receive it too!

Developing self-love, self-love, is a step of liberation, and so sharing arises.

Overcoming this challenge: removing the feeling of seeming that you owe something, of putting yourself in a debtor position, is fundamental for emotional balance.

Every day we have the opportunity to do and have different attitudes.

Learning to give and receive!

Every day, we are gifted with the ability to seek to be a better representation of ourselves.

Only for today, and only today, is the time, and the only moment to act.

Deciding and choosing begins with the intention within each person.

Analyzing deeply, we have no control over anything, anyone, not even ourselves.

What counts is the action, the act.

If nothing touches you, you have no emotion or feeling.

Realize what touches you in feeling, feel.

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Realize and allow yourself to receive love, and you will be a person capable of being loved.

We are all BEINGS worthy and deserving of receiving and giving love, driven by an extraordinary flow of abundance, of lovingness.

Having gratitude and love, both in giving and receiving, is a power that all people have.

Love yourself!

Ame a si!

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