Double view. Third Eye.

    Double view. Third Eye.

    The double sight is a reality, which for many less enlightened people can seem like something spectacular and that can lead people of good faith to be deceived and even exploited by charlatans.

    For those who know the properties of matter and how fluids are manipulated with the help of spiritual benefactors, there is nothing abnormal, and those who have read about double sight know what we are talking about, as it is an advanced state of perception that many of we have it and sometimes we don't even notice it, so it's not magic or miracle, since it's a characteristic of perception.

    The double sight is something that we detect not through the eyes of the physical body, but through the vision of the perispirit or the astral body, whatever you want to call it. It is also known as the vision of the soul, and some say it is the third eye.

    Some have that ability and some don't, but there's nothing supernatural about it. Using Luke 5:1 to 7 as a reference, Jesus standing on the shore of the lake of Gennesaret, as the crowd of people was pressing in to hear him, he saw two boats moored at the shore of the lake, from which the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their hands. networks. He got into one of those boats, which belonged to Simon, and asked him to move it a little farther from the shore. Having sat down, he taught the people from inside the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Go into the sea and cast your nets." Simon answered him, “Master, we worked all night and caught nothing; yet, as you command, I will cast the net.” Having cast it, they caught so many fish that the net broke.

    There is nothing surprising about this fact, provided that the power of double sight is known. Jesus possessed it in a high degree; it can be said that it constituted his normal state, as attested by a large number of acts in his life, which, today, try to explain magnetic phenomena and religions. Jesus did not spontaneously produce fish where there were none; he saw, with the eye of his soul, how he could have done it with a lucid vigil, and he confidently told the fishermen to cast their nets there.

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    Those who have this ability today have a mediumistic activity and cannot be considered mentally disturbed. Several mediumistic manifestations happen daily and, due to the lack of knowledge, we stop taking what is normal seriously and act as if we were facing a disturbed person.

    It was Jesus who told us: “You will know the truth and it will set you free”, and the way we have to know something is by studying, debating the events, and today Kardec made it possible for us to clarify events that were considered spectacular, mysterious or miraculous.

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