Discover the work of a Personal Organizer

Keeping the house organized feels great. And not just the house, the closets and more. But many people have a hard time keeping the house organized. We talked to personal Organizer Carol Rosa who tells us a little about her trajectory and her work. She check out the interview and get inspired to organize the house this end of the year.

Me Without Borders: How long have you been working as a Personal Organizer?

Carol Rose: I've been in the personal organizer market for 4 years. 

ESF: Where did the will come from?

CR: I used to work in the financial area. But I wasn't 100% satisfied. I missed doing what I liked. I've always been organized. She was the one who helped tidy up her friends' rooms, for pure pleasure. 

ESF: What made you switch areas?

CR: I left the financial area because I wasn't happy. One day my mother needed to make a move and I couldn't help her. So she hired this service. Then I got to know the profession and decided that it was what I wanted to work with. I took courses and started in the field.

ESF: Do you have a team?

CR: Yup. I am always at the home of the person who hires me. I never send the team without me. But I have people who help me. Up to 1 to 3 helpers, depending on the size of the room to be organized. People of my extreme trust, who understand how delicate it is for you to be in someone's closet, opening their drawers. I work in very intimate environments. Without discretion, sensitivity and trust, you can't work. 

ESF: Have you ever liked to keep things organized and thought it would be an area you could expand on?

CR: I always liked it. But I didn't think it was a profession. When I discovered that it was possible to combine the pleasant with the useful (in that order, in this case), it was wonderful. 

Discover the work of a Personal Organizer
ESF: Could you say what the biggest mistake people make when trying to keep the house organized?

CR: The biggest mistake people make is not categorizing what they have. You have to take everything out of the closet to see all the pieces before putting them away. There are people who organize by pieces. Then he puts the meshes in one place, for example, but then he starts to find more meshes scattered around and realizes that the place chosen initially does not accommodate. 

ESF: Could you give a general organization tip?

CR: People need to know what you have. So before you start tidying up any room in the house, take everything out of place and then start from scratch. Create the right place for each item, make divisions between what is space for one item and what is already for another. Assemble as if they were houses of everything. This helps you find what you're looking for more easily. Resulting in practicality and time saving. 

ESF: Why do we work and feel better in an organized environment and why do many people have a hard time keeping their home organized? Do you believe that these people's lives can also be a little troubled?

CR: Yup. Studies show that people who are disorganized spend about 15 minutes a day looking for the clothes they are going to wear. A time that can be used to spend with the family, have a calmer breakfast, leave home earlier so as not to be late for work… An organized environment is a practical and cozy environment. 

ESF: Many people and (myself included) are curious to know the secret to keeping the house smelling clean and organized. Do lavenders help?

CR: Lavenders help, yes. But the secret is always to apply the flavoring in the house with it clean. There are people who pass by with a dirty house, thinking that this will help. But in this case, the aroma doesn't stick. The ideal is always to clean the house and then use a lavender, an environment diffuser, a home spray…

ESF: Do you only work in Rio or São Paulo?

CR: Not. I have clients all over Spain. Last week I was in Salvador. I have no restrictions. Wherever they call me, I go. 

Discover the work of a Personal Organizer

ESF: Do you have many clients, including famous ones like Deborah Secco? What was it like to do this journey and get recognition from people?

CR: Amazing. I couldn't be happier… Deborah Secco is a sweetheart. She trusted my work, opened the doors to her house (and her closets) for me. She let me organize the room for her daughter, Maria Flor, who is about to arrive. And we know how mothers dream of making their children's room perfect. She believed in me and gave me the mission to make that dream come true. Knowing that she liked the result, that it was what she expected, is a gift. When I see that they are enjoying my work, that they are indicating my name to other people, I see that I was right when, 4 years ago, I decided to invest in what I liked to do. 

My trajectory is the result of this: of enjoying doing what I do. 

In order to help people who want to keep their home organized, I decided to teach a course on the subject. I will teach techniques to tidy the closet, to store baby clothes, among others.

Learn more about Carol Rosa's work.
Visit her Instagram: @carolrosaorganizer
  • Interview granted to Angélica Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

Photos: Playback / Instagram

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