Allan Kardec, the Spiritism Encoder

In this month of October, we could not fail to mention the birth of this icon of the Spiritist Doctrine. On October 3, 1804, Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail was born in Lyon, France. Like a ray of sunlight illuminating the darkness, this spirit of high moral standard is born to bring men hope for a better future and the certainty that we will always have a new chance to correct our mistakes.

He was an influential French educator, author and translator. Disciple of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and one of the pioneers in scientific research on paranormal phenomena.

under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec brought to light the Doctrine of Spirits.

Turntables 1854

Allan Kardec, the Spiritism Encoder

In 1854, Professor Rivail first heard of the phenomenon of “turning tables”, through his friend Fortier. As a researcher, he did not really believe in the first experience, but it was only in May 1855 that he decided to effectively research on the tables, when he began to attend meetings.

Dedication until the disincarnate

Kardec, an obstinate researcher, dedicated his last years of life to the dissemination of the doctrine, through the Spiritist Magazine and the Journal of Psychological Studies. He disincarnated in Paris on March 31, 1869, at the age of 64, as a result of the rupture of an aneurysm. At the time, he was working on a work on the relationship between Magnetism and Spiritism, while preparing for a change of workplace.

He is buried in the Père-Lachaise Cemetery in France. On his tombstone his motto: “To be born, to die, to be reborn again and to progress without ceasing, such is the law”, in French.

Pedagogical books written by Professor Rivail

Allan Kardec, the Spiritism Encoder

  • 1824 – Practical and theoretical course in Arithmetic, according to the Pestalozzi method;
  • 1828 – Proposed Plan for the Improvement of Public Instruction; 
  • 1831 – Classical French Grammar;
  • 1831 – What is the study system most in line with the needs of the time?;
  • 1846 – Manual of examinations for titles of capacity;
  • 1848 – Grammatical Catechism of the French Language;
  • 1849 – Program of ordinary courses in Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Physiology;
  • 1849 – Normal dictations of the Municipality and Sorbona exams;
  • 1849 – Special sayings about spelling difficulties.

Spiritist Works

The five fundamental works of Spiritism, under the pseudonym Allan Kardec are:

  • The Spirits' Book, Principles of Spiritist Doctrine, published on April 18, 1857; Back cover of the 1860 version of “The Spirits' Book”;

Allan Kardec, the Spiritism Encoder

  • The Mediums' Book or Guide to Mediums and Evocators, in January 1861;
  • The Gospel according to Spiritism, in April 1864;
  • Heaven and Hell or Divine Justice According to Spiritism, in August 1865;
  • Genesis, Miracles and Predictions according to Spiritism, in January 1868.

After your disincarnation:

  • Posthumous Works, 1890
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spiritual curiosities

Allan Kardec, the Spiritism Encoder

– The pseudonym Kardec comes from the revelation of a spirit about one of the incarnations of our great friend, in Gaul, with the druids where he was called “Allan Kardec”.

– Another information obtained through spirit communication would be that he was the reincarnation of Jan Hus, a XNUMXth century religious reformer.

This occurred at the 4th World Congress in Paris, in 2004, through the medium Divaldo Pereira Franco, in which he psychographed in reverse and in French, a language he did not master.

It appears that this information has already been cited in several sources, which is in accordance with Kardec's observation:

There is only one serious guarantee for the teaching of spirits - the agreement that there is between the revelations that they make spontaneously, using a large number of mediums who are strangers to each other and in various places.

We are tiny seeds in the Father's universe, growing with the food given to us by this and several other self-sacrificing spirits who sacrifice themselves for us for all eternity.

Image credits to Friend Spiritist Network

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