What is Rock Day?

Rock is known for the musical style that fights for freedom of expression, which was responsible for revolutionizing music and the social behavior of young people. Rock bands are usually composed of a singer, bassist, guitarist and drummer.

To raise awareness of poverty, on July 13, 1985, the great Live Aid event took place. Great rock artists such as Queen, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Madonna, U2, Paul McCartney, among others participated in it. From this, it was decided in EspaΓ±a that July 13th would be Rock n' Roll Day, whereas the North Americans, for example, celebrate it on July 9th.

When is Rock Day celebrated?

What is Rock Day?
Photo by Karolina Grabowska no Pexels

World Rock Day is celebrated in several countries, in EspaΓ±a the Rock Day is celebrated on July 13, when two major radio stations in SΓ£o Paulo dedicated a good part of their programming to this musical style.

5 tips on how to celebrate Rock and Roll Day

1. Produce yourself

You can never go wrong with a t-shirt, jeans and an All Star, so throw yourself into ripped jeans, wear your favorite band t-shirt and choose the classic black or white All Star.

2. Listen to your favorite albums

What is Rock Day?
Photo by Sofia Garza no Pexels

How about celebrating by listening to those songs that marked your life in some way? Don't forget to use a high quality headphone so that the sound is perfect. And enjoy the isolation to play the pick, shake your head, do air guitar, an imaginary pogo wheel and mosh to the sound of good old Rock n' Roll. To help you, we've selected some classics to listen to on Rock Day:

● We Will Rock You – Queen

● It’s Only Rock β€˜n’ Roll (But I Like It) – The Rolling Stones

● My Generation – The Who

● Stairway To Heaven – Led Zeppelin

● Enter Sandman – Metallica

● Another Brick In The Wall – Pink Floyd

● Back In Black – AC/DC

● Born To Be Wild – Steppenwolf

● Hey Jude – The Beatles

● Smoke On The Water – Deep Purple

3. Watch shows on YouTube

What is Rock Day?
Photo from freestocks.org not Pexels

Rock is much more than a style of music, it is a way of life. That's why we've selected some iconic shows from the history of Rock n' Roll for you to watch on YouTube:

● Elvis Presley – Elvis Presley (1956)

● Revolver – The Beatles (1966)

● Dark Site of The Moon – Pink Floyd (1973)

● Back in Black – AC/DC (1980)

● Nevermind – Nirvana (1991)

● Led Zeppelin IV – Led Zeppelin (1971)

● Sticky Fingers – The Rolling Stones (1971)

● Bringing it all back home – Bob Dylan (1965)

● Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath (1970)

4. Share on social networks

What is Rock Day?
Photo by Karolina Grabowska no Pexels

Take advantage of this celebration to share and remember the best moments of the shows you've experienced, that pogo with your friends, a photo with your favorite band and share your favorite songs.

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5. Assemble your rock band

What is Rock Day?
Photo by Daria Sannikova no Pexels

Social isolation will prevent celebrations with the crowd together, so take this moment to study about music, learn to play a musical instrument by participating in online classes and invite your friends to join your rock band.

The best rock songs to improve the mood of your day

That we are in quarantine and cannot go out to celebrate, we all know. But in this thread, we're going to help you improve any moment you're having with just a rock song.

β€” If sadness is chasing you and you need some help to lift your spirits and throw away all sadness, the tip is We The Kings β€” Check Yes Juliet.

β€” Listen to Blink 182 β€” Anthen Part 2, and drive away all bad thoughts, imagine yourself running on the beach or in a car traveling with your friends to a beach.

What is Rock Day?
Clem Onojeghuo's Picture in Pixels

β€” If you want an upbeat song that makes you jump non-stop, Broadside β€” Coffee Talk is the best option, it's a dose of happy pop punk.

β€” If you're tired of the same life you have today and want a lively song to bring out your best version, listen to Scream! At The Disco β€” β€œHigh hopes”.

β€” Even if you are not happy, if your current moment is scary and lonely, never forget that you will always have your friends by your side, listen to New Found Glory β€” My Friends Over You and be happy.

- Need to clean the house and not at all excited or not knowing how to deal with uncertain feelings? Our last tip is the perfect song to motivate you in what needs to be done, Seaway β€” Pleasures.

Did you like our tips? Here at Eu Sem Fronteiras you will find a post filled with content on this topic.

Long live to rock n 'roll! πŸ˜‰

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