What is necrophilia? Features and treatment

Have you ever heard about a behavior (which, if consummated, is also a crime) called necrophilia? Necrophilia is a sexual behavior that makes a person feel sexually aroused by contact with a corpse, that is, a dead person.

It is important to point out that this is not sex at all, because sex depends on a consensual relationship between the parties. To understand how this behavior develops and how it is possible to treat it, we prepared this article! Check it out and if you identify yourself or if you know someone with this behavior, seek psychological and psychiatric help, because there is a cure!

When a person dies, family members or close people must decide what will be done with that body that once lived. Some opt for burial, others for cremation. This is the natural cycle of life, because a lifeless body is no longer part of society.

However, it can still be preserved in a coffin for loved ones to visit, or it can be turned to ashes to be kept or scattered in a symbolic location.

What cannot happen to the body of someone who has passed away is sexual intercourse. In addition to being unable to react to any stimulus, the state of decomposition of organic matter can have negative consequences for those who crave this type of contact.

Also, such a relationship can only happen when there is the consent of the people involved, which is impossible if one of them has already died. Despite this, there are people who practice necrophilia, disrespecting bodies that once lived and causing risks for themselves and those who live with them.

What is necrophilia?

What is necrophilia? Features and treatment
Lorraine Steriopol / Unsplash

In simple terms, necrophilia is the feeling of arousal caused by eye or physical contact with a dead body. The name comes from the Greek “nekrós”, dead, and “filía”, love, and this practice has been around since antiquity.

It can still present itself in three different ways: common (a person has sex with a corpse), homicidal (a person murders someone to have sex with the deceased person) and costumed (when the sexual act is not consummated, but the person feels aroused by imagining the relationship happening).

What is a necrophilic person?

A necrophilic person is one who feels sexual desire for dead bodies. She may or may not have sex with one of them, depending on the type of necrophilia, but she will continue to be attracted to a body in this condition, in decomposition.

It is important to point out that a necrophiliac person suffers from a mental disorder, and should be treated as such. It is necessary to analyze each case to understand what led this person to develop this morbid desire, and the causes are numerous. Childhood trauma or some unresolved sexual issue may have preceded this type of behavior.

How does necrophilia affect an individual's life?

Necrophilia is not only a mental disorder, but also a problem that can have serious consequences for the physical health of an individual and for those who live with him. When a body enters a state of decomposition, bacteria, fungi and viruses manifest more intensely, even if the deceased person has gone through a series of cleaning steps.

Bacteria of the coliform group and Staphylococcus aureus are the most present in cadavers, and they can cause diseases such as conjunctivitis and pneumonia. To get in touch with them, even a simple kiss on a deceased person can be dangerous. Therefore, at wakes, avoid touching the deceased and, if you do, sanitize your hands afterwards.

What is necrophilia? Features and treatment
Hailey Kean / Unsplash

The biggest risk lies in the secretions that a decomposing body can release. H1N1, tuberculosis, rabies, hepatitis B and C and HIV are some of the viruses that resist for some time in a deceased organism. These diseases carry a high risk of contagion and, once contracted by someone who practices necrophilia, it is very easy to transmit them to those who live with that person.

There is even an infectious agent that can remain in a corpse for up to three years. It is called a prion and is resistant to the sterilization methods adopted by hospitals and funeral homes. In contact with the body of a living person, it causes degeneration of the central nervous system, which can lead to diseases such as dementia.

What does the law say about necrophilia?

Necrophilia is a crime.

According to article 212 of the Spanish Penal Code, “vilifying a corpse or its ashes” is punishable by imprisonment of one to three years, in addition to the payment of a fine. What, then, is vilification and why does necrophilia fit into it?

“To vilify”, according to our Penal Code, is, among other actions, “to belittle, despise, affront, offend, insult or outrage” something, in this case, a corpse. It is therefore considered a sexual offense to attempt to have sex with a person who has died.

In addition, article 212 can be used as an aggravating factor for crimes in which a homicide occurs and then an act of necrophilia, that is, when a person murders another and then performs a sexual act with the corpse.

That's why it's important to point out that, if you feel aroused by the idea of ​​sexual actions with a corpse or know someone in this situation, seeking medical and psychological help is essential not only to cure yourself of this disorder, but also to avoid committing a criminal act.

Signs that a person is a necrophiliac

Identifying a necrophiliac is a process that takes time and should be done by a professional. It is important not only to recognize that the person suffers from this disorder, but also to treat them with the appropriate instruments. However, there are some patterns that can be identified in a necrophilic person.

A person suffering from this mental disorder may fantasize about sexual intercourse in which there is no consent from the other person involved. Or else she may take pleasure in thinking about dead bodies or standing near them. Some may even feel the urge to inflict physical pain on themselves or on others.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms presented above, seek psychological help. You will discover throughout this text that it is possible to get rid of this disorder and that you can identify what is causing you to feel this type of desire. Keep reading and learn more!

Does necrophilia have treatment?

Necrophilia is a mental disorder like any other. Although the consequences of fulfilling the desires of those who suffer from the disease are alarming and shocking, it is possible to investigate what is behind it and solve the problem. The treatment will be carried out with therapy and, if necessary, with the ingestion of specific medications.

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Each case must be analyzed by a professional who is aware of this disorder and who can bring quality of life to those who suffer from it. A necrophilic person has a disease that can be treated, after which he will be able to live a life without problems related to sex.

How to report cases of necrophilia?

If you suspect that a person is having sex with dead bodies, or if you are certain that they are doing so, it is best to file a report telling the police everything you know. You can do this anonymously by calling 181. Your identity will be protected and the person you referred will be investigated.

Necrophilia is a behavior that generates repulsion in most of society, because no body should be violated in this way, including those who have died. However, it is important to show people who suffer from this disorder that there is a way to get rid of this problem and lead a life like any other. Share what you learned about the topic and always seek to improve your knowledge!

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