What do you mean by “being at peace”?

    We often think that we will only have peace on Sundays and holidays, where we can sit, rest, read a book, hang around, etc., but this is not the reality of most of your life, of our time. We always have something to do, to resolve, an email to check, dishes to wash, a child to take care of, the one updated on social media, and so on…

    So, let's differentiate resting and being idle from being at peace.

    Resting is part of it, everyone needs to reserve a little time for it, the body needs it, the mind needs it. Being at peace is a state, not a situation, a feeling.

    Doing what should be done in the best possible way leaves you at peace. It is common to hear people say that their hearts are at peace after taking some action or after resolving a pending issue with someone. To be at peace in the heart is to be at peace. To be at peace in the heart is to know that what should be done was done.

    When what we feel, what we say and what we do are in harmony, there is this sense of peace and freedom.

    What do you mean by “being at peace”?

    If I have a beautiful speech, full of values, phrases and quotes from great masters, but my attitudes do not match what I say, my heart is not at peace. If I lie, cheat, cheat, don't listen to my intuition or respect my feelings, peace is impossible to experience, we are always apprehensive of someone discovering us, or contradicting me. After all, for each one I made up a story, for each one I told a different lie and I always need to be attentive, and that takes away everyone's peace.

    To be at peace is to be simple.

    To be at peace is to be sincere in everything.

    To be at peace is to be free and to feel free to do what must be done.

    Being at peace is possible at all times, even in the most turbulent of times.

    I end here with a quote from my Vedanta teacher:

    “When in the eye of the hurricane, one step at a time and an attitude of prayer.” (Jonas Masetti).

    Om's Day!

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