What are energy cords and how do they affect us?

    The body is a sum of everything we reproduce, so all our day-to-day activities contribute to this sum.

    The energy field is invisible but essential for this contribution, our feelings and emotions are reproduced in our physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

    Just as we brush our teeth and take care of body hygiene, we must take care of our energy field.

    We are in constant exchange of energy and with each person we have contact we create a bond or an energy cord. The more affection in the relationship, the stronger this energy connection, that is, the stronger this cord becomes.

    Barbara Ann Brennan reports in her book (“Mãos de Luz”) the strong connection of energetic bond between parents and children; this psychic navel called “germ plasm” makes both of them have the perception of a traumatic experience that the parents or children are going through at the moment, even if they are physically far from each other.

    What are energy cords and how do they affect us?

    These connections we can have with all our affective relationships, from family, friends and especially in love relationships.

    However, these cords have two characteristics: either they are luminous or they are toxic.

    Whenever we have a conflict or break a relationship and we generate hurt, sadness or other negative feelings, these stored pains stay in our body and chakras, forming a toxic energy cord. We can move on and believe they don't exist, but if that cord becomes really toxic, we'll move on with constant emotional and energetic triggers being triggered in stressful situations and unconsciously reminding us of that toxic relationship.

    Symptoms range from constant thoughts about the person, emotional exhaustion, tiredness and even specific illnesses. This connection makes for a symbiosis in the relationship, that is, we are in energetic exchange with a person with whom we had a relationship years ago, even if we no longer have contact with them.

    What are energy cords and how do they affect us?

    It is important to remember that this toxic cord is maintained by both sides; when we clean our part of the cords that unite us, we allow only positive energies and light to enter.

    Cord cleaning (cleansing) is done through specific energy cord cleanings, understanding and self-forgiveness.

    It is also necessary for the person who made the decision to clean an energy cord to learn about emotional education so as not to intoxicate this cord again or other futures.

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