The worst pain in the world!

    Have you ever stopped to think about what is the worst pain in the world? Some say it's the pain of childbirth. Others that it's a toothache. Others, still, that it is losing a child. Perhaps this is one of those questions that in Philosophy is called polysemic, that is, that there is not just a single answer, but multiple answers to a single question. Indeed, the important thing is to understand that all pain is a stage between the beginning and the end, between the new and the old, that is, it is a process of evolution of the human being. So be it physical or mental, moral or spiritual pain, pain makes the human being better!

    Moreover, It is important to emphasize that each person has their own way of feeling pain. In other words, pain is not democratic, it is the dictatorship of the physical over the psychic. Or would it be the other way around? On the other hand, physical pain is temporary, punctual. It has a beginning and an end. Psychic pain is multiple. It doesn't have a specific cause. That's why it has no end. Even after death, it remains absolute. In fact, it is in the afterlife that psychic pain usually manifests itself in full force.

    As a democratic form, pain can be physical, emotional, moral or even spiritual, but pain has a life of its own and peculiar characteristics. It manifests itself in each living being differently and each person feels it in a unique way.

    The worst pain in the world!

    That is why it is said that pain is the twin sister of death. First comes pain, then death. Or would it be the other way around? When a person is well and dies in a car accident or is murdered, which comes first: death or pain? Or is there death without pain?

    Death can be the forgetting of friends. The end of a romance. The end of vacation. It could be the end of all sensations. so that, you die more than once in your life, you die every time you don't do what you like.

     When the organism is well, everything working, one lives in a state of harmony, which means peace and tranquility. Although literature often narrates that the worst pain in the world is the pain of childbirth, followed by a toothache, for romantics, the worst pain is the pain of unrequited love.

    Few situations are as worthy of consideration as that of the loved one who lives waiting for the loved one. that time is formed by moments of anguish, suffering and pain, but of a lot of hope. Hope that the loved one is the cure for all the suffering experienced. For the lover, the beloved possesses the unspeakable capacity of healing, it is balm. Without the beloved, the lover is lost in existential solitude.

    If not reciprocated, this poor guy faces the disastrous prospect of an indeterminate number of years of loneliness, which historically often ends in madness, like Amaranta, the main character in “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, by the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

    In the minds of those who love and are not reciprocated, the suffering is much greater because the possibility of healing is in the other, but this other rejects them. So the only thing left to do is take your own life. Yes, in many cases, suicide is the most common means loved ones find to end unrequited love.

    The worst pain in the world!

    Since the most ingrained instinct of the human being is that of sociability, how to explain to the person who loves and is not reciprocated the issue of rejection? Being rejected would be a state of unbearable denial, capable of justifying the worst of all follies: suicide. Today, far more suicides are committed than men die in wars.

    Moreover, true love is able to withstand everything, even rejection itself. This love moves man to live in the company of his fellow men without expecting anything in return. New perspectives on life are opened. Not only for the sake of a better quality of life, but for a fundamental need for complementation through mutual coexistence: solidarity.

    In this way, it is in socializing with the other that we reveal who we are. In this revelation, the human being builds his being, his character and his life. Thus, due to the fact that man is not a robot, of the good relationship of human beings with each other, friendship appears as a correlate.

    As a result of this, resulting from circumstances as varied as they are complex, people become capable of acting disinterestedly for one another, even when united, not for a sublime purpose, but for mere affinity.

    The worst pain in the world!

    Yes, it is friendship that saves man from sameness, from barbarism and alleviates existential, physical, psychological and spiritual pain. It is friendship that can free men from the bondage of selfishness. Only friendship can bring back the will to live of lovers, of those who suffer all kinds of oppression.

    Finally, one cannot forget that friendship is such a rare thing that the Bible even says that: “Whoever has found a friend has found a treasure”. However, if you don't have or think you are friends with anyone, don't despair, don't suffer and don't give up fighting, because there is someone looking at you: your desire to be more, to want more! Live more and suffer less!

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