the simplicity of love


Such a simple word, but with such a deep meaning. From time to time, that little word comes up in full force, especially on Valentine's Day. Flying hearts, winged cupids, couples in love… But what is the true meaning of love?

The term “love” comes from the Latin “amore”, which means “affection”, “passion”, “great desire”. There are numerous other attributions to this word, such as “devotion”, “dedication”, “zeal”. A poetic definition of love is found in the poem by Camões (immortalized in our country with the voice of Renato Russo):

Love is a fire that burns without being seen;
It's a wound that hurts, and you don't feel it;
It is discontented contentment;
It's pain that unravels without hurting.
It is a not wanting more than wanting well;
It's a lonely walk among us;
It is never to be content and content;
It is a care that wins in getting lost;
It's wanting to be trapped by will;
It is to serve the one who wins, the winner;
Have someone kill us, loyalty.
But how can cause your favor
In human hearts friendship,
If so contrary to itself is the same love?

Luís Vaz de Camões, in “Sonetos”

But where is the love these days?

This is a question we often ask. Currently, in the hectic day of society, where people are increasingly concerned with their daily tasks, with the delivery of the service, the subway schedule, the comment of the joke, the photo of the social network, we seem to be more distant from the love concept.

Contrary to what we may think, love does exist in abundance around us. Even with all the problems we face in society, there are many manifestations of love around us. We have love from your partner/partner, from your parents, friends. But love is much more than that: it is found in small actions, in small gestures. I will give some examples:

the simplicity of love

1) When you come home and find your pet all happy to see you. That unconditional love is incomparable;

2) When you see a child smiling at you on the street, you can understand what love without prejudice means, coming from a human being at the beginning of his life. It is pure, simple, true love;

3) In a simple thanks that someone does, for some kindness done;

4) Upon receiving a compliment from your teacher at school;
Reading the words of support from people you care about;

5) When making an act of donation to someone (whether it be a gift for a needy child, or a visit to a nursing home to talk a little with the elderly).

Below, we have two examples of the power of love, present in simple actions:

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who demonstrates the power of faith and giving:

Below a little about the great Mahatma Gandhi, symbol of non-violence and love:

Reflect on this quote by Joice Colli:

“Love is not what we want to feel, but what we feel without wanting to”.

Love, more than radiated in the form of gestures of tenderness, of good deeds, must be revived every day within us. We can do it at different times:

the simplicity of love

1) In a time of prayer/meditation, regardless of your religion, you feel that feeling of peace, tranquility. It is love flowing through your body in this moment of concentration;

2) When you feel the morning breeze hitting your body. Just close your eyes, with the feeling of tranquility, of happiness… this is love flowing.

3) When you do something you really enjoy. For example, when you hear a song that makes you feel really good, you get up off the couch, go dancing around the house, you feel free;

These are feelings that come from you and are for you. When we promote love within ourselves, we are able to expose it to the people around us. Cultivate the love within you. Then exhale to the world. So reap the results: a better world for all.

PS: Yesterday was my birthday, and I can say with all the words that love is present in big and small gestures. From my wife's hug, to a call from my mother, to the posts on social networks from friends, some of which I hadn't seen for many years. Each post referred to the past, the love present in the words of happy birthday, gifts, contagious, giving strength. This is simple and pure love.

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