The power of the 3 F's: Focus, Faith and Strength

At an unusual time in the lives of hundreds of people, covid-19 came to bring deep marks on our personality. What is needed to get out of this crisis (opportunity) successfully is the development of qualities that can help us to overcome all the fear and limitation that this situation imposes on us.

I suggest that we can act following a path that I call the three efes: Strength, Focus and Faith.

Force is a concept from Newtonian classical mechanics, the quantity that has the ability to overcome the inertia of a body by modifying its speed, direction, calculating what effort was made.

The power of the 3 F's: Focus, Faith and Strength
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

Focus means sharpness, the vision of an image or a well-defined objective, to have focus is to be planned and organized, to have persistence to achieve dreams and goals, to achieve what is intended.

Faith is an unconditional adherence to a hypothesis that a person comes to consider to be a truth, trust, belief, credibility in something or someone, even though there is no type of evidence that proves the veracity of the proposition in question.

It takes strength, or energy, to overcome the inertia of our physical body, emotion and mind! At home, socially distant, we question: Why do I need to be better, get up and put on clothes other than the old pajamas? Work out? Why do I need to live with myself or with my family, showing maturity if โ€œI really amโ€?

Because it is necessary that we focus, that is, that we have the necessary clarity to see in our lens, which is a challenge to be faced, which requires care, personal and collective, which has a deadline, evolution, it is not forever!

And finally, faith is needed! This very important quality that makes us optimistic, always looking at the positive side of experiences. How many of us feel that we are being looked at by a Greater Figure, who represents a Hope that can help us through this difficult time?

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According to Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and creator of analytical psychology, transcendence is an archetypal human quality, that is, seen in all peoples and in all times. Man has always looked to heaven for signs of salvation.

We are in April and this year living with covid-19 and Easter at the same time! May it be of strength, focus and faith! May it be a rebirth for all of us, so that we can be more human and less materialistic humans! More altruistic and true, with more faith, hope and love.

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