The influence of colors on people's lives

Have you ever noticed why we opt for some colors over others? and why this happens? Colors have a strong influence on our personality and even our mood. When we are happy we wear bright colors like orange and yellow. When we are not so willing, more neutral and dark colors are chosen.

The fact is that colors are fundamental because they make up a harmony, whether through the clothes we wear, the furniture in our home and even the color of it. And each color expresses some aspect of our life, and colors in certain situations are used for therapeutic purposes. Chromotherapy is the science that studies colors. In this sense, their choice is indicated for patients who want to relieve symptoms, emotional or physical causes.

The colors and their tradition

The influence of colors on people's lives
scanrail / Getty Images Pro / Canva

It is very common to use the color white at the turn of the year because it symbolizes peace and tranquility. And that's what everyone seeks in each new year. Some people prefer to wear red which expresses love and passion. The green color symbolizes the health that is so important to everyone. Yellow, in turn, represents money that is always welcome. But why this tradition? In fact, is there any scientific explanation for colors and the way we relate to them? Scientist Newton said that colors are the result of frequency variations caused by light waves emitted by sunlight.

That's because they can interact with our feelings and actions, and can influence positively or negatively even our behavior and state of mind. Have you ever thought about sleeping in a room painted black? How would you feel? It is a fact that the color black stirs some emotion and causes you an uncomfortable feeling. Is not?

What do the colors express?

The way we dress, which colors we prefer to wear, shows our personality. The care also goes for the color we paint our house. The white color will hardly make you sick. Now if it's a house painted only red, maybe in the long run it will cause you discomfort. The fact is that colors do have a strong influence on our lives, and may or may not be beneficial. Know the meaning of some colors:

The influence of colors on people's lives
onlyfabrizio / Canva

Green: It represents energy, cooperation, understanding. Recommended for those who want to make decisions with caution, who want to cure tumors. It symbolizes the renewal of life.

Blue: Wearing blue symbolizes faith and devotion. It conveys trust and admiration for other people. Recommended for those who have migraine, insomnia.

Black: It represents mystery, death and mourning. Also used by people to convey responsibility.

White: It shows innocence, a sense of peace. It gives the feeling of freedom. Recommended to ask for good things and have calm emotions.

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Red: Warm and active color, it symbolizes love, power and achievement.

Orange: Using this color conveys the feeling of good communication, it shows optimism. Shows creativity, joie de vivre and animation. When used, it stimulates the circulatory processes of mental functions. You felt more alive. It is recommended for pregnant women to use as it stimulates breast milk.

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