The Dream of Shambala

Leaving the body during sleep is a mechanism that occurs every time we are asleep. It is the moment when we meet beings of light and in places of another dimension. Therefore, bearing in our mind the thought that it was in a dream, as if by enchantment, Helena Blavatsky (HPB) became aware of the existence of Shambala. And from this idea arose in the fertile ground of the imagination the incredible possibility, effectively, of reaching the mystical place.

Well, creativity provides us with wings so that we can fly, even in a chimera, if we so desire, while we rest. Therefore, it is worth remembering that there is a technique, called astral projection, when our consciousness leaves the physical body, when there is a displacement of reality, with the purpose of disengaging from our physical structure, the body; and have the dreamlike sensation of being outside the human body.

By means of this experimental method, by the way, we suppose, it would even be possible to cross walls, as ghosts in movies and books would do or something like flapping wings and flying over the immensity of the blue sky. In addition to visiting extraphysical cities. Well, from that prologue, we established, we could say, a travel map. In fact, astral travel, an experience in which we would leave our body, flesh and blood, having the perception of the environment in which we are inserted, sometimes, to relate to people who are projected in the dream.

The Dream of Shambala
Photo by Annie Spratt via Unsplash

Based on this principle, conscious projection, when the emotional moves away from the biological, the well-known shamanic flight, or OOBE (Out of Body Experience), which occurs while we sleep, in our brain, when resting, alters the brain waves, changing their frequency. , instigating our matter, the body, to a deep relaxation. Therefore, our chosen destination, in this daydream, was to know Shambala, the mystical place, mentioned by sacred texts, in many spiritual traditions of the East.

However, not everything is rosy, even if we talk about the world of Morpheus, not the one from the movie “Matrix”, but we are referring to the dream god of Greek mythology. Anyway, returning to the previous line of reasoning, as Sherlock Holmes would say, elementary, roses also have thorns, which can scratch and cut our fingers.

Then, in the next stage, I started to have, to feel, to perceive myself, in the astral world, in another energetic dimension, in a change of vibrational patterns. Anyway, I was going, moving from one place to another, towards Tibet, an autonomous region of China, due to its location, on very high peaks, known as the “Roof of the World”.

The Dream of Shambala
Photo by Pixabay via Pexels

So it was as if I was on the incredible fantastic quest for the philosopher's stone, the alchemists, or something more fabulous, like finding pearls of esoteric wisdom; or even the spiritual healing of soul ills.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, in a sudden, he was, literally, traveling in a daydream, flying over, on a magic carpet, like Aladdin, the fictional character of the Arab tale, who became even more famous when he was brought to the screens. , by Disney. Well, he was flying over the Himalayan range, among its snow-covered mountains, in search of something magical, the mystical place, Shambala, of mysterious location.

It was something, like this, definitely inconceivable, apparently the result of an unconscious desire, a dream, being experienced. Despite this perspective, he experienced the total lack of certainty, the inaccuracy, of having nowhere to put his hands, no ground to step his feet on, as if he were suspended in midair.

The Dream of Shambala
Photo by Isabella Mariana via Pexels

However, deep down he knew in advance, even in his sleep, of the difficulties; in fact, they always enter the scene, making their theater of adversities. Honestly, at best, we are not prepared to feel, through experience, that sensation.

Entering the hidden realm of wisdom, which would be hidden in the Gobi desert, in Mongolia, a possibility, the abode of the ascended masters, like Chuang, an old Chinese sage, who would have informed, in a dream to Helena Blavatsky, in her book on the synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy, called “The Secret Doctrine”, which by this vehicle informed the western world about the multidimensional sacred city of knowledge and spiritual elevation, where only the pure in heart could visit.

The Dream of Shambala
Photo por Nhan Thai via Pexels

However, despite the legend of the Tibetan Buddhists, he had to cross a bridge, an interdimensional portal, which would exist between two worlds, the flesh and bone of matter and the sublime, the transcendental, the spiritual. Anyway, a long journey through deserts and mountains, in a clear spiritual growth. The awakening, the encounter, the inner path.

This, in turn, reminds us of an ancient story, very popular in Tibet, India, China, and Japan, about an enthusiastic young man, of good conduct and good karma, on his unusual quest, in search of the mysterious mystical realm.

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The young man had walked, with firm steps, full of purpose, and with much effort; then, he found in a cave, among the rocky mountains, an old sage, perhaps it was Chuang. However, the old man, meeting him, filled with serenity, asked him:

– What are your goals that make you explore these deep snows?

The shrewd boy, the good boy, replied:

– I want to find Shambala.

“You don't have to go far,” replied the hermit elder.

– Contemplating Shamballa is within your heart.

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