Stevia – learn more about the benefits of this leaf

Hi, I'm Gabi Cezar. I am a holistic therapist specializing in herbal medicine, aromatherapy, Bach flower and Saint Germain flower therapy and phytoenergy. Today we are going to talk about a beautiful plant, with tiny white flowers, which is very easy to plant using cuttings and can be grown in a pot anywhere in the house.

We are talking about stevia, which was only discovered as a sweetener in 1987 and only in 1995 released to be marketed as such.

Very different from its all-chemical competitors, like Aspartame, cyclamate and saccharin, which gave cancer in lab rats, our friend stevia is all natural and you can dry it, grind it and you will have your natural, homemade sweetener. Isn't it wonderful?

Well, so you who are diabetic, or you who know a diabetic pay attention to this matter and share this information.

Stevia – learn more about the benefits of this leaf
handmadepictures / 123RF


CIENTIFICO NAME: Stevia rebaudiana

MEDICINAL BENEFITS: rich in beta-carotene, calcium, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, vitamins A, C and vitamins from the B Complex.

This amount of nutrients and vitamins makes this leaf an excellent option to combat diabetes by lowering blood sugar, precisely because it is a natural sweetener, working as a slimming and fighting obesity.

It improves hyperactivity, regulates high blood pressure, helps with problems related to the digestive system, such as indigestion. And fights candidiasis.

Chewing stevia leaf helps to quit smoking. Chew 1 leaf whenever you feel like smoking. Not exceeding the amount of 8 to 10 per day.

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MYSTIC BENEFITS: A bath or a smoke using stevia leaves will bring calm and a self-assessment about our state of consciousness, about what we have been doing and how.

CUISINE: It is an important natural sweetener and is used in many recipes for sweets and cakes for people with diabetes or sugar restriction.

FORMS OF USE: tea, tincture, sweetener, bath, sitz bath, natural incense, smoker.

DOSAGE FOR USE: 1 tablespoon of dry herb to 500 ml of water or 2 tablespoons of fresh herb to 500 ml of water.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: allergic to stevia or its components.

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