Sixth Scroll – Today I will be master of my emotions

    Today I will be master of my emotions and I will not take hasty actions.

    Today I will own my emotions and manage my emotions.

    Today I will own my emotions, my thoughts and feelings.

    Sixth Scroll – Today I will be master of my emotions

    Today I will own my emotions and I am part of nature. 

    Today I will own my emotions, knowing that my spirits will rise and fall.

    Today I will be master of my emotions and I will not fall into the tricks that conspire against my BEING.

    Today I will own my emotions and transform depression and melancholy into happiness.

    Today I will own my emotions and make my day productive.

    Today I will own my emotions and be in balance with my BEING.

    Today I will own my emotions and learn the secret of generations: β€œHow weak is he who allows his thoughts to control his emotions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.”

    Today I will own my emotions and each day, when I wake up, I will move forward, giving no chance to be captured by the forces of sadness, regret and failure.

    Today I will own my emotions and each day, when I wake up, I will allow my BEING to sing and I will allow myself to feel. 

    Today I will own my emotions and every day, when I wake up, I will laugh if I feel sad.

    Sixth Scroll – Today I will be master of my emotions

    Today I will be master of my emotions and each day, when I wake up, I will redouble my work if I feel sick.

    Today I will own my emotions and each day, when I wake up, I will move forward and move forward without feeling afraid.

    Today I will be master of my emotions and I will not allow myself to feel inferior, insecure, incompetent or insignificant, because I will remember all my successes and my dignified goals. 

    Today I will own my emotions, because I am in my best shape.

    Today I will be the owner of my emotions and, even if forces want to bring me down and destabilize my emotional state, I will not allow it, because I know myself and I have conquered my balance.

    Today I will own my emotions and, even if they come with a smile and a hand of friendship in disguise, I will never give up control.

    Today I will own my emotions and if somehow I feel too confident, abuse the present and indulge in moments of greatness, I will remember my failures, my struggle and my moments of shame.

    Today I will own my emotions and if somehow I become proud, I will remember my moments of weakness. 

    Sixth Scroll – Today I will be master of my emotions

    Today I will own my emotions and gaze at the stars as I feel that my techniques are second to none.

    Today I will own my emotions and, with this new knowledge of my BEING, I will also understand and recognize the moods of all other people. 

    Today I will be master of my emotions and, if necessary, I will allow myself to vent today's anger and irritation, because I control my mind.

    Today I will be master of my emotions and, if necessary, I will tolerate insults and insults. AND I will not judge anyone for just one date. 

    Today I will own my emotions and my knowledge of this secret will be my key to great wealth. 

    Today I will own my emotions and, from now on, I will recognize and identify the mystery of the spirits in myself and in all humanity.

    Today I will be master of my emotions and I am prepared to control whatever state of mind I wake up with on each day.

    Sixth Scroll – Today I will be master of my emotions

    Today I will be master of my emotions, I will be master of my moods through positive action and, as long as I am master of my moods, I will control my destiny.

    Today I will own my emotions and, as many times as necessary, I will act and manage my emotions. 

    Today I will own my emotions, I will be great and I will control my destiny. And my destiny is to become better every day. And every day I will own myself.

    Gratitude! Namaste! I love Amituofo!

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