Rituals that help calm the mind

Daily life imposes so many commitments on us that even mind gets tired. When we reach such a stage, our ability to think and make decisions decreases, consequently, the performance drops. A lot of people ignore these signs, but they shouldn't. We need to rest to move on. With that in mind, we selected rituals to calm the mind which are in the book “The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity” by poet and coach Julia Cameron. See and put it into practice.

Attention: you will need paper and pen!

Start writing as soon as you wake up: for Julia Cameron waking up is the best time to write. Keep a notebook or notebook.

Do not be afraid: write everything you want, even if it sounds clumsy or without philosophical refinements.

Do not make public: many people turn their thoughts into blogs, however, by making it public you can edit your feelings to make it more beautiful in the eyes of readers. Also do not show your writings to family and friends.

Rituals that help calm the mind

More rituals to calm us down
  • Sit with your spine straight in a comfortable environment;
  • Breathe slowly and deeply with your eyes closed to loosen your muscles. Shoulders, lower spine, feet and hands take longer to relax, so focus more on those parts;
  • Try to think of a calm landscape or relaxing sounds like the sea and the sky with birds.

Repeat the procedure every day for twenty minutes for a month.

calm the mind it is important for the body to function better. Is that you? How do you stay zen? Tell us.

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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