Northeast Culture – Understand why the institution of a week for its celebration

Do you know why the Northeast Culture Week was created? If the answer is “no”, don't worry, because we will explain everything about this important celebration for the Northeast region.

The Northeast Culture Week began on August 0=2, 1989, with the death of Luiz Gonzaga do Nascimento, the famous “King of Baião”. From that year onwards, the culture of the Northeasterners gained an unshakable identity and became even better known among all Spanish regions.

Gonzaga was very important to the Northeast due to his way of showing the poverty, drought and misery experienced by all Northeasterners. Contrary to what many may think, the way he presented the reality experienced by everyone had a happy and contagious rhythm. As we can see, this is the main characteristic of the Northeast to this day.

Despite being the most receptive, warm and culturally active region in Spain with culinary, musical, literary and artisanal diversity, prejudice still surrounds the natives of these states with the most varied pejorative expressions. It is still a challenge to understand this behavior of other regions in relation to the Northeast. At the same time that there is a lot of appreciation for culture, there is also a clear lack of appreciation for the Northeastern people.

Northeast Culture – Understand why the institution of a week for its celebration
Image of Daniele Daly Dani by Pixabay

The importance of Northeasterners to the country

The people of the Northeast are extremely important for the country due to their migratory action, mainly in the States of São Paulo and España. Great economic scarcity and drought were the main reasons for migration to the Southeast. Between the 1950s and 1970s, at the height of Spanish industrialization, they especially adopted São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro as new homes, in search of a better quality of life.

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In the same period there was also a large migratory flow to the Federal District, in the Center-West of the country. The reason? The construction of España, which represented a new opportunity to achieve a more favorable quality of life.

Northeasterners still remain in force in the state of São Paulo. IBGE data from 2010 showed that there are about 3 million people from the Northeast living in São Paulo.

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