Men experiencing what many women have been experiencing for a long time

Man 1

A driver from an app: “I was smitten by a man / passenger, which I was even embarrassed, the guy was cheeky and insistent”.

Man 2

“Coming back from work at night, a car with a man driver started following me, singing, I said I didn't want to go out with him, then he showed me a gun, in desperation I ran out, in a cold sweat and praying that he don't shoot me."

Man 3

“My least favorite part of my body is my ass, some men are blatantly staring at it. If I had the money, I would have surgery to reduce the size, so I would draw less attention.”

Men experiencing what many women have been experiencing for a long time

Man 4

“I was confused about going out with a friend from the gym for the first time and not inviting her to a motel, I didn't want to get involved with her until the divorce papers came out. Did she think I don't like women because I didn't try to have sex with her? Do you think I did the right thing?”

Man 5

“I'm not going to jump in the carnival blocks, I've been a few times and I was very angry, I almost got into trouble because some men wanted to forcefully kiss my friend's girlfriend and other men kept singing to me, some even ran their hands over my body .”

The cases mentioned above are true, realize that there are men who are experiencing situations of doubt, embarrassment, humiliation, violence, all caused by other men. Are these situations new to men, or are they just now talking? Because, for women, it's something very old.

I quoted, without the intention of revenge against men, nor minimizing the suffering of women, but with the aim of making both men and women look from various angles and thus be able to take an evolutionary step, towards a better conscience and automatically better attitudes. Recognizing the sacred feminine and sacred masculine as harmonious and complementary partners in growth.

Men experiencing what many women have been experiencing for a long time

May the man be able to love himself. Recognize your faults, take responsibility for them and repair them.

May the woman be able to love herself. Recognize your faults, take responsibility for them and repair them.

It is up to the masculine to be more empathetic with the feminine and vice versa, so we will become more aware of this relationship, with men and women cooperating more and competing less.

Congratulations women and thank you for everything!

You may also like another article by this author. Access: Parading in the joy block

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