Libra zodiac stones

Libra zodiac stones

Crystallomancy, energetic and spiritual study of stones and crystals, indicates that all minerals emanate energies upon us. However, each person is affected differently by each stone, according to their personality. And as our personality has everything to do with the Zodiac, find out which stone is for the sign of Libra!

So, if you believe that stones can indeed have powers and emanate energies, it is essential to understand which of them can help your path the most, enhancing your capabilities or nurturing your needs. Understand which birthstones respect and encourage Libra's personality and benefit from them!

Which stones are in the sign of Libra?

In short, each native of the Zodiac relates differently to each mineral, as everyone has a stone that they relate to the most, in addition to two other "helpers". Discover which are the most favorable stones for Libras and learn how to use, clean and energize these crystals, reaping their main benefits!

Lapis lazuli (main stone)

Libras are well known for being indecisive. They are balanced people, they are eternally trying to make reason and emotion talk so they can make the best decision possible. Therefore, they usually take quite a while to come to a satisfactory conclusion.

Lapis lazuli can help a lot with this, as it is the stone for the throat and heart chakra. It helps us to balance what we feel with what we communicate, which helps to make and communicate decisions and put into practice everything that surrounds you. It is the stone that will most help Librans make decisions.

• How to use: the stone itself as an amulet, necklaces and pendants, bracelets, earrings and other jewelry.

• How to clean: cleaning can be done with water and coarse salt, letting the stone rest for approximately 15 minutes in this solution, then drying well.

• How to energize: the best method of energizing is a moon bath.

• Where to buy: WeMystic

Aquamarine (auxiliary stone)

This is a stone that enhances some of the main personality traits of Libra natives. That is, it helps to work on traits such as self-acceptance, open-mindedness, dialogue and compassion, promoting empathy in relationships of all kinds, something essential for Libra natives.

Libras already have all this as their personality traits, so this stone is not used to meet some need they have, but to enhance and strengthen these characteristics that are so important for these natives who hate to feel that they are losing their personality in the rush of life. life.

• How to use: the stone itself as an amulet, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, pendants, trees of happiness.

• How to clean: let the stone rest in a container with drinking water for two hours, letting it dry naturally afterwards.

• How to energize: leave the stone in the sun for no less than 30 minutes, otherwise it loses its color and energy.

• Where to buy: Earth Gems

Pyrite (additional stone)

Pyrite is a very important stone for Libras at specific times or from time to time. This is one of the stones with the most healing, purifying and cleansing power. It helps us to be always with a clean mind and heart and open to the new.

As Libra natives prioritize balance so that they can walk the tortuous path of making decisions and choices, trying to stay clean of negative energies and influences is essential for them. So, in moments of important decisions or for cleaning, when you feel they are necessary, this is a good stone.

• How to use: the stone itself as an amulet, necklaces and pendants, decorative object, druses, key chains, censers, essential oils, fortune cup, bracelets.

• How to clean: leave the stone next to a crystal or selenite druse.

• How to energize: leave it in sunlight on a day when the sun is very hot, but not for more than 3 hours; 6 hours under moonlight also energizes pyrite.

• Where to buy: WeMystic

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These are the 3 main stones that most have to do with the personality of balanced and communicative natives of Libra. Now that you know how lapis lazuli, aquamarine and pyrite can help you, it's just a case of enjoying the benefits they can bring to these most righteous natives.

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