Learning from the unknown: the time to invest in you

To wake up. Have breakfast. Brushing teeth. Go to work. Do the same tasks. Talk about the same subjects. Coming home, thinking about dreams that seem increasingly unattainable. Cry a river of tears for feeling helpless. Fainting from exhaustion. Hope you don't have to wake up tomorrow. To wake up. Seeing the same routine repeat itself...

That's what millions of people have to face: a job they don't like, living in an uncomfortable house, living with difficult people, and that without going into the details of each one's personal drama. We all think we have the worst jobs, the worst life of all, but we know that deep down it's not quite like that.

The point is that we really look forward to the change we so desperately want to bring about. So we read, we watch self-help videos, we start meditating, doing yoga and therapy. But still, for some this is not enough and nothing happens. Could this be the end of the line? Definitely not!

Change is not always in the plans…

After the period of discontent, we can make three decisions: either we can change, or we despair for a little longer, or we accept life as it is, simply seeking survival. The big question is that surviving is not enough, when a certain situation in your life begins to cause you deep suffering, even if your resources are few or you don't have your immediate "change" in hand, learn to put yourself first. This means ending what is making you suffer and remembering that famous saying: we need to close one door so that another can be opened.

Learning from the unknown: the time to invest in you

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Of course, it's easy to say and that this is a decision that requires courage, but only those who face the pain of everyday unhappiness know that this is a decision of faith and self-love. They say we should follow our hearts, but the reality is that he doesn't always say what we want, sometimes he just says what we don't want, so what? What if nothing happens? What if you don't find other opportunities? Forget the “what ifs”, in fact, it will happen naturally once the situation is so bad that tomorrow simply doesn't matter anymore.

Focus on the present and see that as soon as you close that door that hurts you so much, you will finally feel relieved. Because for the first time in a long time, you put yourself first. You, your happiness, your sanity and your peace. And not your survival. And finally, you will see that you will meet amazing people and that opportunities will come from unexpected places.

All you need is to invest in yourself!
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