Is love suffering?

    Is love suffering?

    It depends… If you choose to “have” a love, be it platonic, idealized, surely yes. If you choose to "be" someone's love, you can run the risk of hurting him, if in that case, such feeling is not reciprocated. You have to “be” and “have” in a relationship. That's what makes it work. They both have to really want to, make it work day after day.

    And during each phase of your life, you will have the opportunity to meet and relate to a lot of people. In the midst of this adventure, there will also be the first meeting, the contact with both families, the trips together, the gifts on commemorative days, the shared joys and sorrows, the delicious sex, the inevitable disagreements, the shed tears, the arguments without cause. and even the needless betrayals and chaos before the breakup.

    And the carnival lovers? These are the most fleeting and wonderful. There are some who succeed and there are others who end up on Ash Wednesday.

    There are also mismatches between revelers, someone who stays waiting for you and you don't go because you think it's not the time, because fear spoke louder. evil? Maybe yes.

    We put it in our heads that the other day we decided, after all, whoever waited so long, wait a little longer, will always be available, unconditional, looking at us through ourselves, waiting for a simple attitude from us. Is it the unresolved loves that will fill you with doubts all the days of your miserable life and that will make you wonder why it didn't work out? Some people idealize a reunion so much and imagine how beautiful it would be... But the opportunity has passed and with it time has taken care of changing that person and yourself and that will show you that each one made a path and followed a path different trajectory, there is no turning back.

    Is love suffering?

    To think like that is quite radical, there are exceptions, it is not impossible for two people to relive a great love, but it is surreal and unlikely. It's almost certain that the shock will be so great that you'll find yourself like familiar strangers nostalgically looking to make up for lost time left behind.

    However, there are the “lucky ones” who may not even need to look much, because they discover that the love of their life may not be seen at first sight, but at second or even third. Let me explain: some label this love as “true”, but I wonder when our heart beats involuntarily several times for other people, was it really that fake?

    I believe that we are all true when we love, even if that “someone” did not deserve it, so I will call it “mature” love. This love is what we seek so much, those that we know well and that comes with a time of coexistence, because it doesn't die with everyday life like many "infatuations" followed by physical attractions, which end in the first months of marriage when you perceive the person's intellect and the idealization that transposed in that marriage, on the contrary, it strengthens when challenging the routine, faces all obstacles and teaches you that loving is also companionship, complicity and patience.

    According to the latest data from the United Organizations (UN), in the world there are about 7 billion inhabitants and hence the old question that does not want to be silent: why among so many creatures on the planet did you have to be interested precisely in that individual( a) from your neighborhood? from work? Or from school?

    for few, love happens only once, because they believe that nobody stops loving a guy from one moment to the next and if that happens, it was never love. However, although most do not admit it, they fall in love many times, they will have many types of loves at each stage of their lives, or rather: crushes, those impossible, typical of youth.

    Not forgetting the most painful and intense, unrequited love. We prefer not to remember this, even if we have already gotten over it when we come across the ex. To be loved, we whisper, “My God! What did I see in that?”

    It may even cause you a lot of fun in the future, but in the present it will be heartbreaking.

    But what about first love?

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