How to increase self-esteem and control or ego

How to increase self-esteem and control or ego

Self-esteem is often confused with the ego. But actually, they are quite different things. However, this does not mean that to have self-esteem you need to have an ego. Self-esteem is related to self-love and self-knowledge. It is through it that we can achieve dreams and achieve goals.

Dealing with the ego is no easy task. The ego is that desire to always feel superior and above everything else. It's not measuring efforts to be better than others. Sometimes, you are not, but the desire is to show that you are superior to everyone. The ego can bring a person's essence lower and lower. When a person is willing to do anything to get your attention or even a need to have more, then we are talking about the ego. So, how to control it?

Ccontrolling the ego

There are ways to control the ego without it interfering in your daily life and in your person. First, the lack of self-esteem is present in the following characteristics: insecurity, perfectionism, constant doubts, shyness, frustration, among others. With the ego, the person may even be insecure, but wants to show that they don't.

Do you like what you see in front of the mirror? Do you believe you are loved and special? Do you know how to identify your strengths and weaknesses? Based on this, it is possible to say that the person has high self-esteem, but for that he must have practiced self-knowledge, which can be through reading books, specific courses, travel, among others.

Only with self-esteem can we gain the trust of other people and feel prepared for the tasks. In this way, it is possible to feel a harmony between what you feel and what you say, increasing your professional performance. With the ego, it's different, people realize that you want to think you're superior, even though you don't have enough skills and this can even get in your way on a daily basis.

if accepted with love

When the ego manifests itself in our mind, there is less love and more willingness to show off. When we accept ourselves with love, we allow things to flow, so that we can improve and grow. When the ego exists, the lower mind wants to excel at all costs.

The ego wants you to be a winner in everything and if you don't, you will be the loser. However, there are not only winners and losers. It is not always possible to achieve victory, and trying here is not losing, but the ego works your mind as being inferior and losing and that is not real.

Forget that need to always be right, to have more and to feel superior. All this in exchange for what? What does it matter to others to know what you have? Work on your feelings and build relationships with affection. Only in this way self-esteem flourishes and it is possible to grow maturely and without suffering.

Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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