Four Books You Must Read

Reading is good for the brain, body, mind and spirit, it helps to exercise our intelligence and memory. However, we should look for something that brings values ​​to our life, right? Even more so when we have the opportunity to read and, through the intended words, put into practice what has been read.

It is in this sense that we indicate four amazing books, which you should not only leave on your bedside table, but also read them. Check out:

The Buddhist path, a brief introduction – Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

Four Books You Must Read

This book portrays Buddhist principles that we can apply in our daily lives. It is not just theoretical learning, but putting these principles into practice in our lives.

You can also learn a little more about the life of the Buddha in this book, in a summarized way, but with great meanings.

Harmony at home – Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

Four Books You Must Read

We know that our home and the people we live with are nothing more than our reflection. This is where the first family interactions begin. Normally, it is at home that we are most transparent and sincere. It is also a place of conflict, and this book gives us valuable lessons on how to build a more harmonious family life, through attitudes that we can improve every day. Relationships, in general, are always full of challenges and differences, but also equality and good times, and the book “Harmony at home” helps to focus on positive change at home.

Perspective Change – Jigme Tromge Rinpoche

Four Books You Must Read

In this book, the author addresses some of the basic principles of the Buddhist path, especially the teachings on 'the four immeasurable qualities': equanimity, love, compassion and joy, briefly and directly. It's worth reading.

Keys to Happiness and a Meaningful Life – Phakchok Rinpoche

Four Books You Must Read

“We are all human beings and we are all looking for the same thing: happiness and a meaningful life. Whoever we are—mother, father, son, daughter, entrepreneur, artist, husband or wife, young or old—we share that same desire or goal. Yet we often strive to fulfill that desire, but we end up overwhelmed by a sense of unease and dissatisfaction.”

In this book, the author touches precisely on a fundamental point of every human being: the search for happiness. But where is this happiness that we are looking for so much, exactly? This is a question that is answered in this book simply and beautifully.

  • Written by Bruno Melo of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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