First: Marina Sena and the law of attraction!

Owner of the smash hit “Por Supuesto”, Marina Sena is, without a doubt, the name of the moment. With incredible numbers on digital music platforms, the singer won three categories of the 2021 edition of the Multishow Award: Revelation of the Year, Experience and Cover of the Year.

Born in 1996, in a small town in the north of Minas Gerais called Taiboeiras, Marina Sena joined her first musical group in 2015 (A Outra Banda da Lua) and, in 2019, joined the band Rosa Neon, which was where her visibility increased. The Neon Rose has received critical acclaim and major award nominations. In 2020, the group broke up, and Marina's solo flight started to happen.

“Me Toque” was Mineira’s first solo single, released in January 2021. Then came “Voltei pra mim”, in June 2021. Along with the last single, came the announcement of the first album, for August of the same year: ''First''.

It's about the concept and name of this album that we're going to talk.

"At first"

Since the first interview she gave about the album, Marina Sena stated that the reason for this name was because it would be a “first time” success, in addition to symbolizing the fact that it was the first of her career. In an interview for the Música Multishow channel, she reinforced her statement – ​​at that moment, the album already had good numbers.

First: Marina Sena and the law of attraction!
Playback / Multishow

It is interesting to see how, in each interview, Marina spoke this without the slightest doubt. And it was not about “predicting”, but being sure. She was absolutely certain that the album would be successful, she started the year 2021 by releasing her first solo single, which had not yet hit 1 million views when the album came out. And she ended the year being considered by the media a musical phenomenon.

“My dreams really have no limit. Sometimes I think, 'What more will I want when I achieve what I want today?' I think I'm deluded, a traveling libra, but I think that, if you want to… the only opportunity the poor have is to want, you know? We have to have that right.''

Marina Sena, in an interview with Papel Pop, in October 2021. After this interview, in her first solo career project, the singer reached the top of Spotify's GLOBAL viral top 50. That's all we get to the Law of Attraction. Do you already know what it is? And what connection do you have with Marina Sena's album? Time to find out!

Law of Attraction: Believe and Design

At this point, we are going to work with the basic concept of the Law of Attraction: the relationship between your thoughts, feelings and what you attract. You know those days when things start messy, stay messy, end messy, and you start saying, “Today is not my day”? It's as if one thing is pulling the other, and all the negativity has contaminated your day.

This is the central idea of ​​the Law of Attraction. The way you vibrate helps define the unfolding of what happens to you, things start to ponder and materialize in your head until they finally happen. You who start to design your own destiny. The Law of Attraction is like your faith (and you can believe what you want): it gives you back the energy you pour into it.

Marina Sena may have never heard of the Law of Attraction, maybe she knows and doesn't believe it, maybe she has used the Law of Attraction, but none of these alternatives matter, because the fact is that the way in which she carried out this work was totally connected with what the Law of Attraction believes.

Even before the work went out into the world, in her head, each song was thought and conceived with the certainty that it would be successful. There was no doubt, and it was with that energy that she went into the compositions of each lyric within the album.

Look how interesting: how would the result of these songs be if they were thought without this certainty? Would they be so potent and so successful? We will never know! What we do know is that thinking made a difference in the singer's creative process, the feeling she put into her work and what she attracted with it all.

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That's the kind of inspiration needed to believe in what you intend to do. Have a job interview today? Have a shelved project ready to go? Don't believe it will happen, be sure it will. It's more than believing: it's materializing, it's putting the strongest and most intense energies inside what you want. The Law of Attraction may be something you don't believe in, but it can be useful in that crucial moment: the moment to take it out of your mind and put it into action. You have to be sure it's going to be the first one.

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