Eternal (and daily) gratitude to parents

    That everyone is, or should be, grateful for the role that mom and dad play in their lives is stating the obvious. In the worst case, the least we should be grateful for is our existence, after all they were responsible for mine and her pregnancy. The required duties that parents need to perform throughout the child's development are as important as pregnancy, but not everyone assumes this role. The purpose of this article is not to go down that path of what parents should do. In this case, the focus is on the children.

    As we said in the first line, the gratitude of children is something obvious, but the question to consider is whether this gratitude is manifested often. What's the point of posting "thanks for everything, mom and dad" on Facebook, when you respond in an offensive way or don't obey their orders? If publicly disclosing gratitude is vanity, then lying becomes hypocrisy, which is even worse.

    As much as words are very important and should be expressed frequently to parents, preferably directly, that is, not on social networks that, often, they are not even aware of, the most important thing is the actions. How many times do you remember offering help to your parents? By the way, how many times have you volunteered to help your parents without them asking? Start programming your actions to change this frequency: how many times A DAY do you do this?

    Eternal (and daily) gratitude to parents

    For anyone who is a Christian, one must never forget that “honoring one's father and mother” is a sacred commandment. As much as children are not always honored and reciprocity is duly questioned, a child must always honor his parents. When there is a turbulent relationship between parents and children, everything becomes more difficult. Even so, children have, as stated above, at least a genetic gratitude to their parents.

    Fathers not only have two days a year, Father's Day and Mother's Day, but 365 opportunities to please and respect them. You don't have to buy a gift every day, but you can be a gift to them every day, making them proud that they generated you. If you don't have money, then give a hug. If you are far away, call them. There is no excuse for absence, after all, giving yourself a gift is the best gift you can give them.

    • Text written by Diego Rennan from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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