Do you know why you can't get customers?

Have you ever tried to understand why you still haven't had customers or the few customers you've served haven't come back?

For some therapists these are cruel questions, but their answers, when they bring up this question in our conversation, are very obvious.

There are several specific cases, but some caught my attention.

Women in career transition who bet everything they had to take courses in different therapies. “I spent everything I had. Now I know everything, I'm going to make a space”. All seemingly ready, but customers do not happen.

Just studying therapies is no use.

Do you know why you can't get customers?

It's no use graduating and then opening a room anywhere, not investing in PROFESSIONALS who will help you elevate your business with the necessary techniques for a project to go ahead. Opening something anywhere without prior research, without study, without a target audience, without knowing if people in that region are looking for it.

As long as you think that consulting, marketing (marketing is not just social networks), positioning and business management are nonsense and unnecessary expenses, you will continue in the inertia of thinking that having certificates in courses and a room are enough. Business management was born for a good reason and so was marketing. More than managing social networks, marketing is a set of activities that aims to understand and meet customer needs.

Do you know why you can't get customers?

Another thing that has happened.

People who have traded their careers to do something lighter because they think integrative therapies are something that is in vogue. They want to make a profit, but they also don't know how to do it. And since they don't get what they want, they get frustrated.

Here are some questions:

1. Why did you really delve into and want to undertake integrative therapies? Do you believe this is your real purpose? And why do you believe this?

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2. What internally blocks you from making investments in your business if you believe it is your purpose? How long do you intend to sabotage yourself and continue in this contradiction of believing in something, but not investing or doing something about it?

Answer for you, without masks or excuses. I'm sure you will find the light.

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