Discover the Grabovoi Code Technique

Discover the Grabovoi Code Technique

The physicist, mathematician and medium Grigori Grabovoi developed the technique of numerical codes through his studies of vibrations of each particular number. According to him, we are energetic beings that emit waves of frequencies and vibrations to the Universe and, consequently, we attract to our lives everything we want, according to this frequency.

These sequences have the power to align our vibration, allowing us to enter the desired frequency. By activating these numbers, we can align energy and vibration, opening channels of the mind, soul and spirit to new frequencies, according to desire. Remembering that the Universe only understands what we feel, not what we say. If you desire evil, you will receive evil. Think carefully before making these activations.

How to use numeric codes

This technique is used for the main problems of humanity, whether in health, professional, financial or love life. So, for it to work, you need to be clear about what you want, choose the numerical sequence according to the situation and mentalize or speak the sequence in the way that the numbers are written as: 520 (five, two, zero). The sequence can be written in the notebook, on objects or on the body. I'll give you some tips on how to make the sequences: speak the numbers slowly; they need to be read one at a time and the number 6 is spoken SIX and not HALF. Some numbers are separated, so take a longer break. Example: 31 22 788 (weight loss).

The technique works in two ways: internal change, eliminating beliefs, blocks or illnesses and bringing harmony. Which does not mean that if you have any disease, just decree the numbers that you will be cured. These are diseases acquired by ancestors. And the changes are external, reaching the final objectives according to the numbering used. The ideal is to do one area at a time in the mentalization, for example: if you want to harmonize your financial life, use the codes of this frequency, such as 520 (unexpected money), 741 (immediate solutions), 71427321893 (prosperity) and so on. against. We must not mix financial frequencies with those of love or health.

Some people do daily repetitions with the desired codes. There is no rule on how many times a day or how many repetitions we should do. But for those who want, you can do the sequence of 3×33 or 5×55, that is, three or five days writing the codes 33 or 55 times. Or repeat 108 times, with the help of a 108-bead japamala, or as you prefer. You must be wondering why 108 times, right? According to Buddhist wisdom, the number 108 is sacred, but that depends on each individual.

In addition to the codes, we can also add some decrees to boost requests. Personally, I like it and use it a lot. I activate and multiply unexpected money (520), I am prosperous and abundant, money comes to me easily. I am real and infinite flow of money (619714218841). And so it goes.

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I believe that some people who read this article will have the same doubt that I once had. Since when number solves problem? Well, your vibration and your metallization will send the message to the Universe about your desire. The numbers will only help with your frequencies. After I started using the codes along with the decrees, I began to vibrate in the frequency of positivity. I became calmer, less anxious, I started to look at life and my problems with different eyes. Of course, it's not overnight. It is mental and daily work. We need to believe in desire as if it were already fulfilled. This, for me, was very difficult, because I am very practical and I only believe when I see. So always vibrate in the frequency of love, lightness and good fluids. Only then will the Universe bring good results.

Here are some of the main numerical sequences:

  • Unexpected money: 520
  • Unexpected solutions: 741
  • Financial abundance: 318 798
  • Everything is possible: 519
  • Miracles: 777
  • Universe: 8
  • Increase sales: 54127321893
  • Find a job: 93151 864 1491
  • Love: 888 412 1289018
  • Soulmate approach: 571
  • Open paths: 691
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