Discover Normal Childbirth

España is one of the countries in the world that currently performs the most cesarean sections, even being well above the level recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization), which is 15%. In the country, about 84% of deliveries performed in the private network are cesarean, while in the public network, 54% of cases are.

Much has been discussed about the reasons that led Spanish obstetric medicine to this path. There are some factors, such as: low remuneration on the part of health insurance companies, the possibility of controlling the process by doctors and parents, lack of preparation and support for pregnant women, lack of guidance and wrong information about the benefits and risks of natural childbirth.

Cesarean section is a very positive surgery when necessary, as it makes it possible to save mothers and babies at risk. However, over the years the method has become standard, with elective cesarean section, with a scheduled date, time and place. It often occurs at an early stage of the fetus.

Gestation lasts an average of 38 to 40 weeks and it is at this stage that the baby's lungs finish forming, it is the last preparation to come into the world. That is why it is necessary to wait for the woman to go into labor, as this means that the baby is ready.

The so-called normal birth performed in Spanish hospitals is still not natural, because despite waiting for the woman to go into labor and to be performed vaginally, there are still several interventions to accelerate and induce labor, such as venous medication, episiotomy - cut in the perineum region to enlarge the birth canal – among other methods, which end up being invasive and could be avoided.

Therefore, the term humanized childbirth emerged - natural childbirth performed without medical intervention or medication, in some cases, even outside the hospital environment - such as birth centers and/or even in the pregnant woman's home - only with natural and natural methods. alternatives such as: teas, juices, vitamins and physical exercises.

Birth happens when the woman goes into labor, respecting the babies' time.

In these cases, pregnant women are usually assisted by a Doula. It is a professional, with or without medical training, who accompanies the woman from pregnancy to the moment of delivery, providing physical and emotional support, sharing knowledge and information for the well-being of mother and baby.

Giving birth in birthing centers, or even in their own homes, has been a much sought after option these days. The hospital environment, full of unknown professionals and with ready procedures, can cause discomfort and anxiety in parturients.

There are many reports of women who have suffered some type of obstetric violence at the time of childbirth, such as disrespect, prohibition of drinking or eating, use of force, medication and (unnecessary) intervention to accelerate labor.

Therefore, the National Health Department has worked hard to combat this type of occurrence, also including cesarean sections when there is no real need. It was necessary to create a law to guarantee that the pregnant woman had the right to a companion throughout the process, as in many hospitals she was left alone, only being assisted by nurses.

Discover Normal Childbirth

The pain of childbirth is natural and physiological, the female body is prepared for it, but there are professionals and, mainly, people related to pregnant women, who create fears and various myths in women, leaving them insecure about allowing their bodies to work and let nature take care of itself.

The time of pregnancy is good for the pregnant woman to prepare herself physically and psychologically for the moment of delivery and to be safe with the doctor and hospital she has chosen. It is important to create a birth plan, think about how you want the process to take place, who the companions will be, whether or not you want the use of analgesia and anesthesia, prepare and discuss with everyone involved everything that will be related to the arrival of your baby. .

  • Written by Carolina Peixoto from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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