death in our life

  1.  Death is feared by us and fear, insecurity and attachment are born of this feeling. Therefore, understanding that existing and dying are part of the process of constant transformation that makes up life is a way to better deal with the cycles of existence and with: Death in our Life!

When we are younger, we don't realize how natural death is.

Until one day, she comes to meet us, taking from us the ones we love!

When it comes to be part of our existence, dealing and living with it is painful, but at the same time it is a reality check.

We spend a lot of time talking to sadness in times of mourning and homesickness, and it reveals many things to us.

Everything we didn't understand before sadness knocked on our door, we come to understand.

What seemed so important, loses importance and what we didn't value we start to value.

Every moment that was once routine becomes unique.

death in our life

Every day becomes a grace and a gift, even in the face of difficulties.

Every emotion, feeling and thought does not go unnoticed and tells us something about ourselves.

The memories of those who left and are gone, become precious treasures kept in the chest, of infinite value, which is our heart!

Death awakens us to live with lucidity and urgency the life we ​​are!

We are passing through, those who have passed through our lives and left their presence alive, in the memory of our soul.

The meaning of each moment is linked to living it with presence and gratitude.

The dreaded death reminds us of the need to live each moment, however ordinary, as unique. It will make a difference on the day those we love leave or even after we leave!

Death is the flame of transformation, in which the lead of our attachments, fears, futility, materialism, selfishness, arrogance, vanity, melts to emerge the gold of understanding.

Dying does not imply only the physical issue.

death in our life

In living, we die every day.

What we were, died to be born what we are today!

What we are today may die to be born what we will become!

Life and death are inseparable partners.

Masters who teach us that existence is fleeting, but living with PRESENCE is our connection with ETERNO!

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