Compulsion: false happiness

    It is very difficult to overcome an addiction, but it is not impossible. It's just a matter of willpower. But science can also help you out. A revolutionary new Canadian technique unites the traditional foundations of Chinese medicine and the laser – the so-called Laser therapy, to provide a safer process is fast.

    Compulsion: false happinessWhatever your compulsion, whether it's drugs, alcohol, food, cigarettes, depression, negativity, anxiety, among others, the important thing is what you really aim to do with this compulsion.

    The human brain is endowed with a hemisphere that is responsible for happiness and another for sadness. So, even if the individual is suffering from some addiction or maladjustment, or unhappiness or depression, he is able to turn around. Just look for things that give you pleasure, like listening to your favorite music, reading a book, going for a walk, watching a movie, being with friends, etc.

    Suffering only causes hormonal imbalances, increases stress, weakens the immunity system, and so, consequently, we end up getting sick. Whoever is addicted is looking for something, a true pleasure, an escape, a false happiness.

    When you find yourself in this situation, stop for a while and think about things that fill the voids inside you. The past should stay in the past, as should all hurts and resentments. Look to the future and do something good for your health and for yourself.

    Cigarettes, for example, contain nicotine in their composition. This drug activates dopamine, an important neurotransmitter in our brain. In this way, by taking the famous 'pig', you are throwing away part of your cognitive capacity, such as creativity, attention, intelligence, concentration and memory.

    • Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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