Book: Me, Me, With Me by Miriam Salete

    What Jesus called the Kingdom, Jung the Self, others the Self, I call in this book the Mim.

    Me is my deepest self, my most sacred part, my essence.

    While society urges us to get rid of this treasure to live on the periphery; the ego, necessary but not fundamental, essential, in this book I proclaim this truth in a simple way, in a language that everyone can have access to.

    Book: Me, Me, With Me by Miriam Salete

     Here's an excerpt from the book:

     “The ego's commitment is with the outside world, with normality, with the social where the individual is inserted, where everyone wants to change him; school, family, society…

    We are a mistake that needs to be corrected. Society demands that we be perfect, that we look at ourselves through the eyes of others, that we allow ourselves all possible judgments.

    We are judged from the store clerk who evaluates us, through the neighbor who judges us, to the religious leader who condemns us as sinners.

    We bring conceptions, concepts, ideas, ready-made answers, scripts for a long time, for many generations, and we try to follow them. But civilization has not taken care of evil and perversion, and Cains and Medeas continue to kill, and we continue to use the same and repeated methods to repress and not educate.”

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