Amulets: know the power of these artifacts and learn how to use them

Protection amulets are among the most sought after when we talk about this subject. They can protect us against envy, against bad situations and against any kind of negative event that can happen to us. If you are looking for something that has these functions, choose one of the following options.

Horseshoe: with the ends up and the semicircle facing down, you can use the representation of a horseshoe as a pendant or as a decoration element in your home. It is important that it is made of iron.

Elephant: positioned with its back to the front door of your home, the representation of an elephant is able to protect your home or your place of work. Stroking the sculpture's trunk and making a wish is a common gesture in many cultures, which you can also try.

Greek eye: ideal to protect your home or to ward off envy and the evil eye, the Greek eye appeared in Turkey and can play a very strong role in your life. It can be incorporated into a key ring, jewelry or home decor.

Amulets: know the power of these artifacts and learn how to use them
Hans Braxmeier / Pixabay

Wind bell: the sound produced by the wind touching the wind bell parts is capable of warding off evil spirits and renewing the energies of a house, according to Japanese culture. Thus, it is a way to protect your home.

Black Tourmaline: Black tourmaline is a stone that has the ability to remove negative energies from an environment or that are surrounding a person. It can be used in jewelry or decoration items.

What are lucky charms?

Lucky charms are the ones that will help you to do well in any challenge that life throws at you. They can bring you more confidence, more positivity and more strength to develop your potential and overcome even the most difficult situations. Choose your favorite below!

Fish: any object in the shape of a fish will attract a lot of luck to your life, being an excellent amulet for this purpose. In addition, pieces with this characteristic can stimulate your sex life.

Figa: A figa-shaped pendant or keyring is a great choice of amulet to attract luck into your life. This symbol also has the ability to ward off envy and the evil eye.

Amulets: know the power of these artifacts and learn how to use them
TeGy / Pixabay 

Four-leaf clover: A four-leaf clover is a rarity that can bring good luck to anyone who finds it. Then an object with this trait will be a powerful lucky charm for you!

Coin: Keeping a coin in your pocket or wallet is an attitude that guarantees you will be lucky every time you leave the house. You know that coin you found on the floor and it has a very low value? Save it for that purpose!

Lucky Cat: Also known as Maneki Neko, the Asian cat is a piece that works as a lucky charm, in addition to attracting money and strengthening any friendship.

What is the amulet of each sign?

If you want to have a personalized amulet that will bring you exactly the energy you need, the best thing to do is to find the ideal amulet for your sign, to bring luck or to attract protection. Find out what your best option is and transform your life!

Aries: to attract luck, the best option is an object that represents the Sun. The vibrations of this star will be very beneficial for your life. On the other hand, to bring protection and ward off envy, the ideal bet is a pepper pendant.

Taurus: A Buddha image is a way to bring protection and prosperity to your routine. Luck will be on account of a four-leaf clover. You can use them on your body, as a decoration, or as a decoration in your home.

Gemini: the Yin and Yang symbol is the ideal choice to balance the energies you emanate and receive, neutralizing any negative vibrations that are around you. To bring luck, you should use wind chimes or a small bell, which will bring prosperity through sound.

Amulets: know the power of these artifacts and learn how to use them
Igor Schubin / Pixabay

Cancer: a white elephant will do a lot of good for your life, attracting prosperity and, consequently, reducing the power of negative influences. To bring luck, you should wear a Moon pendant, which also improves communication and activates sensuality.

Leo: A figa is the best amulet to attract luck to a Leo person. However, if what you need most is protection, bet on the figure of a dragon. He is known in Chinese culture to be a powerful protector, warding off any negative energy.

Virgo: An anchor is a lucky charm that will bring you security and stability. For protection, if that's what you want, turn to a Star of David, which will ward off any kind of negative energy.

Libra: a heart pendant is the amulet that will bring a lot of love and a lot of protection to your life. Added to a pyramid, which will absorb positive energies and spread them throughout your body, will allow you to have a lot of well-being in your routine.

Scorpio: the symbol of a cat will allow you to analyze each situation wisely, preventing you from getting into something bad for you. To bring more luck, you can try a mandala, with the design that most resembles you.

Amulets: know the power of these artifacts and learn how to use them
Anncapictures / Pixabay

Sagittarius: to attract good luck and ward off any negative spirits, you should bet on horseshoes in your house, always with the points up. In addition, the representation of an owl will help you to act wisely at different times, opening your paths.

Capricorn: A tortoise, who lives with patience and caution, is a powerful protective amulet for you. Also using a Chinese currency, which attracts luck and money, you will realize that your quality of life will improve a lot!

Aquarius: For your protection, the Hand of Fatima, or Hamsa, is an ideal choice. This symbol will protect you while the figure of a bird will bring you luck, in addition to stimulating your freedom to be who you are.

Pisces: The ansata cross is an Egyptian symbol known to protect the person who wears it against envy. You should also use a butterfly to be luckier and more longevity, ensuring that everything goes well in your life.

How to make an amulet? Lucky charms, protection and warding off the evil eye

If you are feeling a lot of inspiration and feel that you need to produce an amulet for yourself, with your hands, write down the tips we prepared and see how to have more luck, more protection and how to ward off the evil eye in simple ways!

A lucky charm can be produced from some elements that you already have at home, or that you can easily buy. Use a green silk bag to store rose petals and myrrh (resin sold in esoteric products stores). Then, add the perfume you like the most and carry this preparation with you always.

Amulets: know the power of these artifacts and learn how to use them
Security / Pixabay

A protective amulet that will be very effective should be made using silver or metal. If you don't have a silver pendant to wear every day, opt for a piece of metal that looks like a spear or shield. These raw materials are responsible for neutralizing any kind of negative energy!

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If what you need most is to protect yourself against the evil eye and against envy, the best option is to carry a bag of chili powder with you or place a pot of pepper in the place where you are the target of envy. This food will promote the emptying of the negative energies that are trying to consume you!

Carrying a lucky charm or choosing one to decorate your home is an attitude that can greatly improve your way of seeing life. By making sure that positive forces are helping you to be luckier and more protective, you can feel more confident to overcome life's challenges and make the choices you've always dreamed of. Try it!

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