Aloha: The Fifth Principle of Ho'oponopono

    The fifth principle of Ho'oponopono is Aloha, which means in the presence (Alo) of the divine (ha). We can use this expression for people, places, situations and things. Saying Aloha is as if we are blessing something or spreading the energy of the divinity that is love. So when we say that Aloha is a Kahuna principle, we mean in the sense of sharing love.

    Once everything is alive, attentive and reactive, we can use the power of love to transform lives, literally, vibrating love to places and people. For this it is important not to judge, not to analyze, because only then will love sprout.

    Love is pure, not rational, it increases when judgment decreases.

    Aloha: The Fifth Principle of Ho'oponopono

    Love also increases when the space you give between you and the other decreases. If you see yourself with each other, it becomes easier to love. If you see yourself distant from the other, you make room for chaos. So much so that war is a result of seeing the distance, and not accepting the other.

    Unification brings peace and harmony. We can share love through words, blessing through deeds or sending positive feelings, positive energies. Hawaiians emit love by saying Aloha, a word in which each letter has a meaning.

    We can also imagine love vibrating from our hearts towards people, blessing them. We must always remember Jesus' teaching: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mk 12,31:XNUMX). Always remember that we must love ourselves first of all, because we can only donate what we have to give and for that we have to start with ourselves.

    Aloha: The Fifth Principle of Ho'oponopono

    As I explained earlier, Hawaiian words are formed by roots associated with certain words that give rise to words with a specific meaning or idea. In this case, each letter of the word Aloha has a meaning and a new principle to be developed by the Self. According to the kahunas, developing these principles leads us to God.

    In the next texts, I want to invite you to reflect with me on each of these principles to consciously observe how you are experiencing these fundamentals in your life.

    Read other parts of this article:

    | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |

    Text extracted and modified from the book “Developing Your Personal Power. Ho' oponopono, Reiki and Consciousness”

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