A few things to remember when you're feeling down

    It is normal that along our trajectory we are happy and excited about some plans and events, and in others we are discouraged or saddened.

    The “ups and downs”, as we say, are part of the natural cycle of human life. With the successes we strengthen and continue, with the mistakes and falls we learn and we must also follow.

    A joy It's a feeling that takes us and makes us forget about everyone else, makes us go on happy and without thinking.

    Already sadness it is tougher, it also blinds us, but on the negative side, it does not let us continue and makes us stuck in the situation in which we find ourselves, even if uncomfortable and discouraging.

    A few things to remember when you're feeling down

    In moments of sadness we need a "little push" to get out of this feeling. It may come from outsiders, from our friends and family, but it can, and should, come from ourselves as well. There are countless reasons to smile, and in the saddest moments we must remember that they exist.

    Things to never forget:

    • Depression is not simply being sad, it is an inner state of mind that needs to be accepted and changed. Don't forget to ask for help.
    • You are not weak or even different because you are sad or depressed. You are normal for that.
    • You have skills that can't be stopped, always put them into practice.
    • Your laziness is just another barrier that can be easily overcome, there is a world waiting for you right outside.
    • Those who know themselves know how to overcome their fears and barriers. Meditation and Yoga are great ways to do this.
    • Being depressed is being sick. A disease needs treatment and attention without shame causing the solution to be delayed.
    • You are not alone. Your relatives and friends are ready to welcome and listen.
    • Nobody or nothing is to blame for your sadness, who defines your state of mind is yourself.
    • You are strong and you come from several mechanisms to draw that strength from wherever it is inside you.

    Text written by Julia Bocci Zayas from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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