100% you

They say that “what life wants from us is courage”, well, let it be that and more. The recipe for a good life depends on how each person lives their reality. Some ingredients will not work the same way for everyone, due to some setbacks of the day that can arise in excess or in small amounts, but used wisely the effect is right.

But who wants to be one hundred percent with you? The philosopher tells us that when we are truly at peace, we are alone, that is, without carrying the belongings of others. How contradictory we are. And we are! Our search for true happiness is in the peace that we lack personally, and nothing to do with being at peace with people. We will only be at peace with people when our interior is peaceful in which no external storm shakes us.

100% you
123RF/ Antonio Guillem

Nature teaches so much in this regard with its interdependent life cycle. A dynamic ecosystem, in which each part knows its attribution, fulfilling with full responsibility and integrated awareness between each kingdom and its species. The only species that is still taking a little extra time to become aware of its autonomy is Homo sapiens. No animal or plant lives by taking for itself what belongs to the other or outsourcing its tasks. And what to say then about the courage of his choices, the yes and no, the integrity of instinct.

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Everyone's karma is to resolve their own outstanding and lost issues somewhere in this universe. So, look at what is waiting for you, reflect, become aware, plan, put yourself into practice for the solution. Be your master builder in this self-adjustment. Put your mastery in motion, let it flow, heart flutter, courage for and who you are. How perfect is your inner nature! With total patience and love, taking you where you need to go, manifesting the path of self-rescue, revealing that everything else is just an accessory. You are the co-writer of your journey and the actress or the main actor of your story, being able to choose the scenario, the speech, the clothes, the supporting actors, whatever you feel is favorable to play your role better and better. Remembering that with or without an audience, it's between you and the Creator.

As I always say: "Be Master of You!"

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